IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications
User Guide
Adapter Ve r s i o n 4.6.x
IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications
User Guide
Adapter Ve r s i o n 4.6.x
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 123
This edition of this document applies to WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications
(5724-H43), Version 4.6.
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© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1997, 2004. All rights reserved.
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© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
iv Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
About this document
The IBMR WebSphereR Business Integration Adapter portfolio supplies integration
connectivity for leading e-business technologies, enterprise applications, and legacy
and mainframe systems. The product set includes tools and templates for
customizing, creating, and managing components for business integration.
What this document includes
This document describes installation, connector property configuration, business
object development, and troubleshooting for the IBM WebSphere Business
Integration Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications.
What this document does not include
This document does not describe deployment metrics and capacity planning issues
such as server load balancing, number of adapter processing threads, maximum
and minimum throughputs, and tolerance thresholds.
Such issues are unique to every customer deployment and must be measured
within or close to the exact environment where the adapter is to be deployed. You
should contact your IBM services representative to discuss the configuration of
your deployment site, and for details on planning and evaluating these kinds of
metrics, given your specific configuration.
This document is for WebSphere business integration system consultants and
customers. To use the information in this document, you should be knowledgeable
in the following areas:
v Connector development
v Business object development
v Siebel application architecture
v Siebel Tools
v Visual Basic
Note: If you are a consultant or customer located in Japan and are using Siebel
2000, you must use the Adapter for Siebel 2000 User Guide.
Related documents
The complete set of documentation available with this product describes the
features and components common to all WebSphere Business Integration Adapters
installations, and includes reference material on specific components.
This document contains many references to two other documents: the System
Installation Guide for Windows® or for UNIX® and the Implementation Guide for
WebSphere InterChange Server. If you choose to print this document, you may
want to print these documents as well.
You can install documentation from the following sites:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
v For general adapter information; for using adapters with WebSphere message
brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker,
WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker); and for using adapters with
WebSphere Application Server:
v For using adapters with InterChange Server:
v For more information about message brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker,
WebSphere MQ Integrator, and WebSphere Business Integration Message
v For more information about WebSphere Application Server:
These sites contain simple directions for downloading, installing, and viewing the
Note: Important information about this product <<or “the products documented in
this guide” or whatever works for your doc>> may be available in Technical
Support Technotes and Flashes issued after this document was published.
These can be found on the WebSphere Business Integration Support Web
Select the component area of interest and browse the Technotes and Flashes
Typographic conventions
This document uses the following conventions:
courier font
Indicates a literal value, such as a command name, file
name, information that you type, or information that the
system prints on the screen.
italic, italic
blue outline
Indicates a new term the first time that it appears.
Indicates a variable name or a cross-reference.
A blue outline, which is visible only when you view the
manual online, indicates a cross-reference hyperlink. Click
inside the outline to jump to the object of the reference.
Represents the directory where the product is installed.
vi Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
New in this release
New in release 4.6.x
Updated in September, 2004
This guide has been updated to include the following changes:
v The adapter supports Siebel version 7.7.
v Adapter support for Siebel version 7.7 is provided on two additional platforms:
Solaris 9.0 and Windows 2003.
v The adapter is modified so that it can process business services where the
request contains only simple attributes and no SiebelMessage container attribute.
v Support for result set retrieval, which is enabled only with specific versions of
DB2® Information Integrator broker. (For information about these specific
versions, refer to the DB2 Information Integrator product documentation.)
New in release 4.5.x
Updated in June, 2004. Beginning with version 4.5.x, the Adapter for Siebel
eBusiness Applications is no longer supported on Solaris 7, so references to that
platform have been removed from this guide.
New in release 4.4.x
February 2004
The adapter supports retrieval of multiple records using wrapper objects and the
RetrievebyContent verb.
December 2003
This guide has been updated to include the major changes listed below:
v The adapter now supports custom-written business services.
v Support for the generation of WebSphere Business Integration business object
definitions for custom business services is added to the Object Discovery Agent
(ODA). The generation process is similar to that of Siebel business objects and
v Two new configuration properties, EventProcessingSupport and SiebelVersion,
have been added.
– EventProcessingSupport can be used to switch off subscription delivery if
necessary and takes a value of true or false, with the default value being true.
– SiebelVersion enables the adapter to run against a specified version of the
Siebel application while preventing it from accessing the Schema Version
Siebel business object and business component. Valid values are 6 or 7, and
the default value is NONE. Use of the default value is recommended.
v The Siebel business components CW Events and CW Archive have been
renamed IBM Events and IBM Archive. The adapter uses these components as it
did in earlier versions. For backward compatibility, the adapter works with both
the old and new component names. For example, the adapter will check first for
IBM Events, and if found it will use it as the event store. If IBM Events is not
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
found, the adapter will check for CW Events. If it does not find either, and the
adapter is configured for subscription delivery, it will return an error and
Note: Adapter installation information has been removed from this guide. See
Chapter 2 for the new location of that information.
New in release 4.3.x
Updated in July, 2003. The adapter can now use WebSphere Application Server as
an integration broker. For further information, see “Adapter environment” on page
9. The adapter now runs on the following platforms:
v Solaris 7,8
v AIX® 5.x
v HP-UX 11i
New in release 4.2.x
Updated in March, 2003. The “CrossWorlds” name is no longer used to describe an
entire system or to modify the names of components or tools, which are otherwise
mostly the same as before. For example “CrossWorlds System Manager” is now
“System Manager,” and “CrossWorlds® InterChange Server” is now “WebSphere
InterChange Server.”
The changes to this version of the connector support Siebel, version 7.5 and the
Siebel connectivity DLL.
New in release 4.1.x
The connector delivered with IBM WebSphere Business Integration Adapter for
Siebel eBusiness Applications has been internationalized. For more information, see
New in release 4.0.x
The IBM WebSphere business integration adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications
includes the connector for Siebel eBusiness Applications. This adapter operates
with both the InterChange Server (ICS) and WebSphere MQ Integrator integration
brokers. An integration broker, which is an application that performs integration of
heterogeneous sets of applications, provides services that include data routing. This
adapter includes:
v An application-component specific to Siebel eBusiness Applications
v SiebelODA
v Sample business objects
v IBM WebSphere Adapter Framework, which consists of:
– Connector Framework
– Development tools (including Business Object Designer and Connector
– APIs (including ODK, JCDK, and CDK)
This manual provides information about using this adapter with both integration
brokers: InterChange Server (ICS) and WebSphere MQ Integrator.
viii Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Important: Because the connector has not been internationalized, do not run it
against InterChange Server version 4.1.1 if you cannot guarantee that
only ISO Latin-1 data will be processed.
New in this release ix
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 1. Overview
This chapter provides an overview of adapter terminology and the WebSphere
Business Integration Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications. It is important that
you understand the topics in this chapter before you attempt to install, configure,
and use the adapter.
Note: This chapter includes references to Event and Archive business components,
business objects, and tables. These references are synonymous with
references to CW Event and CW Archive that appear in earlier versions, and
with references to IBM Event and IBM Archive that appear in Siebel 7.5
The following terms are used in this document.
The component in the WebSphere business integration system that
provides components to support communication between an integration
broker and either an application or a technology. An adapter always
includes a connector, message files, and configuration tools. It can also
include an Object Discovery Agent (ODA) or a data handler.
adapter framework
The software that IBM provides to configure and run an adapter. The
runtime components of the adapter framework include the Java™ runtime
environment, the connector framework, and the Object Discovery Agent
(ODA) runtime. This connector framework includes the connector libraries
(C++ and Java) needed to develop new connectors. The ODA runtime
includes the library in the Object Development Kit (ODK) needed to
develop new ODAs. The configuration components include the following
v Business Object Designer,
v Connector Configurator,
v Log Viewer,
v System Manager,
v Adapter Monitor,
v Test Connector
v and, optionally, any Object Discovery Agents (ODAs) associated with an
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Adapter Development Kit (ADK)
A development kit that provides some samples for adapter development,
including sample connectors and Object Discovery Agents (ODAs).
The component of an adapter that uses business objects to send
information about an event to an integration broker (event notification) or
receive information about a request from the integration broker (request
processing). A connector consists of the connector framework and the
connector’s application-specific component.
connector framework
The component of a connector that manages interactions between a
connector’s application-specific component and the integration broker. This
component provides all required management services and retrieves the
meta-data that the connector requires from the repository. The connector
framework, whose code is common to all connectors, is written in Java and
includes a C++ extension to support application-specific components
written in C++.
connector controller
The subcomponent of the connector framework that interacts with
collaborations. A connector controller runs within InterChange Server and
initiates mapping between application-specific and generic business objects,
and manages collaboration subscriptions to business object definitions.
integration broker
The component in the WebSphere business integration system that
integrates data among heterogeneous applications. An integration broker
typically provides a variety of services that include: the ability to route
data, a repository of rules that govern the integration process, connectivity
to a variety of applications, and administrative capabilities that facilitate
integration. Examples of integration brokers: the WebSphere Business
Integration Message Broker; WebSphere Business InterChange Server.
WebSphere business integration system
An enterprise solution that moves information among diverse sources to
perform business exchanges, and that processes and routes information
among disparate applications in the enterprise environment. The business
integration system consists of an integration broker and one or more
Siebel application architecture
The Siebel application architecture contains three layers, as follows:
v User interface objects layer--This layer contains the visual elements that the user
interacts with.
v Business objects layer--This layer contains both business components and
business objects. A business component is a fundamental business entity,
consisting of multiple fields that represent it. A business object is a collection of
related business components. The Siebel connector communicates with this layer
using the Siebel Java Data Bean.
v Data objects layer--This layer contains the object definitions which provide
logical representation of the underlying physical database. It is independent of
the installed relational database management system, and it is not accessible by
the Siebel Java Data Bean.
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Connector architecture
The connector has been designed following the meta-data design principles as
outlined in the Connector Development Guide for Java. This means that existing
application-specific business objects can be extended and customized and new
business objects can be defined without requiring additional coding or
customization in the connector code.
The following diagram illustrates the Siebel connector architecture.
Integration broker
Siebel eBusiness application
User interface
CWConnector API
data bean
Siebel enterprise server
Siebel client administration manager
Siebel connector agent
Siebel business objects
WebSphere InterChange Server
event and archive store
Via "CW Event" and
"CW Archive" business
Figure 1. Siebel connector architecture
How the connector works
This section describes how meta-data enhances the connector’s flexibility, and
presents a high-level description of business object processing and event
The connector and meta-data
The connector is meta-data-driven. Meta-data is application-specific data that is
stored in business objects and that assists the connector in its interaction with the
application. A meta-data-driven connector handles each business object that it
supports based on meta-data encoded in the business object definition rather than
on instructions hardcoded in the connector. A business object corresponds to a
Siebel business component. For more information about business objects, see
Business object meta-data includes the structure of a business object, the settings of
its attribute properties, and the content of its application-specific information.
Because the connector is meta-data driven, it can handle new or modified business
objects without requiring modifications to the connector code.
Chapter 1. Overview
Business object processing
This section provides an overview of how the connector processes integration
broker requests and application events.
Processing integration broker requests
When the connector receives a request from a business object to perform an
application operation, the connector processes hierarchical business objects
recursively; that is, it performs the same steps for each child business object until it
has processed all individual business objects.
Note: The term hierarchical business object refers to a complete business object,
including all the child business objects that it contains at any level. The term
individual business object refers to a single business object, independent of
any child business objects it might contain or that contain it. The term
top-level business object refers to the individual business object at the top of
the hierarchy that does not itself have a parent business object.
Business object retrieval: When an integration broker asks the connector to
retrieve a hierarchical business object from the Siebel application, the connector
attempts to return a business object to the integration broker that exactly matches
the current representation of a Siebel business component instance. In other words,
all simple attributes of each individual business object returned to the integration
broker match the value of the corresponding field in the Siebel business
To retrieve the complete business component, the connector uses the primary key
values in the top-level business object received from the integration broker to
recursively descend through the corresponding data in the database.
Business object RetrievalByContent: When an integration broker asks the
connector to retrieve a hierarchical business object based on values in non-key
attributes in the top-level business object, the connector uses the value of all
non-null attributes as the criteria for retrieving the data.
Business object creation: When an integration broker asks the connector to create
a hierarchical business object in the Siebel application, the connector creates all the
children of the top-level business object prior to creating the parent. An exception
to this rule is when the relationship between the parent and child is a multi-value
link in Siebel and the link is inactive. In this case, the child is created after the
parent, and the keys are generated by the Siebel application.
Business object modification: Business object modification, or updating, involves
comparing the retrieved after image of the business object from Siebel with the
inbound business object. The process involves setting the correct verb on the child
objects. If the keys are set on the parent and all other attributes are set to CxIgnore,
the parent update is skipped.
The default behavior is to compare the after image from the Siebel applications
with the inbound business object, then change the verbs on the child container
objects. This process ensures that all the children in the Siebel application are made
the same as the inbound business object. If the verb is not set on the children, the
default is set to Update.
Important: If some of the children need to be retained, the inbound object verb
must be set to DeltaUpdate, and verbs must be set on each one of the
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
child container objects. In this case, only these objects in the Siebel
application are processed while the others are left untouched.
Business object deletion: When an integration broker asks the connector to delete
a record, the record is removed from the underlying database. Only the parent
needs to be deleted because the Siebel DeleteCascade feature deletes all of the
children. If any of the required attributes are missing from the inbound business
object, the delete fails.
Exists verb: The primary business component name is typically the same business
object name in Siebel. If the ObjectName and ComponentName application specific
information match, the keys are set on this business component and the query is
executed. If the record exists, it returns True; if the record does not exist, it returns
Processing application events
Components: The event notification requires the creation of event and archive
tables in the Siebel database. You must create Event and Archive, two new Siebel
business components corresponding to these tables.
Triggering: The creation, update, or delete of any record in the Siebel eBusiness
application can be treated as an event. Siebel supports Visual Basic scripts and
Siebel eScripts embedded in the Siebel business component event handlers to
populate the event table. On a call to pollForEvents, these event records are
obtained and processed. The Event business component stores information about
subscription to build corresponding business objects and to send those
objects to the connector framework for further processing.
Table 1. Events business component structure
Object Key
The unique identifier that identifies the business object row for which the
event was created
Object Name
Object Verb
Siebel business object for which the event was deleted
Verb for the event
Event priority
Event Status Initially, this is set to READY_FOR_POLLOther status values
include:IN_PROGRESS=1 -- The event has been picked up and is sent to the
connector framework. The connector changes the status of the event to
IN_PROGRESS after it picks the event for processing. UNSUBSCRIBED=2 -- The
event has not been subscribed for. The connector sets the status to
UNSUBSCRIBED if the isSubscribed call returns a False. SUCCESS=3 -- The
event was successfully processed by the connector framework. The connector sets
the status to SUCCESS if the event is processed successfully by the connector
framework.ERROR_PROCESSING_EVENT=-1 -- There was an error processing
the event. This status is set if there was an error while processing the
event. ERROR_POSTING_EVENT=-2 -- There was an error posting the event to
the connector framework. This status is set if the call to gotApplEvent
fails in pollForEvents. ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND=-3 -- The object for
which the event was created could not be found. This status is set if the
doVerbFor call could not find the object in pollForEvents.
Any comment associated with the event
Event Id
Id of the event row
Identifies the connector in a multiple connector configuration
Chapter 1. Overview
Table 1. Events business component structure (continued)
Event Ts
Event creation timestamp
Create notification: When the connector encounters a Create event, it creates a
business object of the type specified by the event, sets the key values for the
business object (using the object key specified in the Event business component),
and retrieves the business object from the Siebel application. After it retrieves the
business object, the connector sends it with the Create verb to the integration
Update notification: When the connector encounters an Update event, it creates a
business object of the type specified by the event, sets the key values for the
business object (using the object key specified in the Event business component),
and retrieves the business object from the database. After it retrieves the business
object, the connector sends it with the Update verb to the integration broker.
Delete notification: When the connector encounters a Delete event, it creates a
business object of the type specified by the event, sets the key values for the
business object (using the object key specified in the Event business component),
and sends it with the Delete verb to the integration broker. All values other than
the key values are set to CxIgnore.
Retrieving business objects for event processing: Retrieval of objects for event
processing is based on both key and non-key attributes. It is mandatory that the
business object support the RetrieveByContent verb.
Event management
The connector’s event detection mechanism uses a Event business component and
a Archive business component. Because there are potential failure points associated
with the processing of events, the event management process does not delete an
event from the Event business component until it has been inserted it into the
Archive business component.
The connector polls the Event business component at a regular, configurable
interval, retrieves the events, and processes the events first by priority and then
sequentially. When the connector has processed an event, the event’s status is
updated appropriately.
The setting of its ArchiveProcessed property determines whether the connector
archives an event into the Archive business component after updating its status.
ArchiveProcessed property.
Table 2. Archiving behavior
Archive processed
Event processing status
Connector behavior
true or no value
Event is deleted from the Events
business component and archived
with status of Success
Archived with status of Error
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 2. Archiving behavior (continued)
Archive processed
Event processing status
Connector behavior
No subscription for business
Event is deleted from the Events
business component and archived
with one of the following statuses:
Error Processing Event Error
Posting Event Error Object Not
Not archived and remains in the
Events business component with a
status of Success
Event is not archived and remains
in the Events business component
with one of the following
statuses: Error Processing Event
Error Posting Event Error Object
Not Found
No subscription for business
Remains in event table with status
of Unsubscribed
Smart filtering
Duplicate events are not saved in the event store. Before storing a new event as a
record in the event store, the VB Script or eScript needs to query the event store
for existing events that match the new event. The event detection mechanism does
not generate a record for a new event in the following cases:
v If the business object name, verb, status, and ConnectorId (if applicable) in a
new event match those of another unprocessed event in the event store.
v If the business object name, key, and status for a new event match an
unprocessed event in the event table, and the verb for the new event is Update
while the verb for the unprocessed event is Create.
v If the business object name, key, and status for a new event match an
unprocessed event in the event table, and the verb in the unprocessed event in
the event table is Create while the new verb is Delete. In this case, remove the
Create record from the event store.
Handling lost connections to the Siebel application
The connector terminates when an error message specified in the ConnectErrors
connector property is detected. The text from ConnectErrors in compared with the
Siebel error message. If a match is found, the connector returns
AppResponseTimeOut, which terminates the connector.
The ConnectErrors message can be returned by the Siebel application if the
connection is lost and the connector tries to:
v Access the Event and Archive business components
v Retrieve the business object that is related to the event
v Create or update a record pertaining to a business object.
Processing locale-dependent data
The connector has been internationalized so that it can support double-byte
character sets, and deliver message text in the specified language. When the
connector transfers data from a location that uses one character code set to a
location that uses a different code set, it performs character conversion to preserve
Chapter 1. Overview
the meaning of the data. The Java runtime environment within the Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) represents data in the Unicode character code set. Unicode contains
encodings for characters in most known character code sets (both single-byte and
multibyte). Most components in the WebSphere business integration system are
written in Java. Therefore, when data is transferred between most Server Access
components, there is no need for character conversion. To log error and
informational messages in the appropriate language and for the appropriate
country or territory, configure the Locale standard configuration property for your
environment. For more information on these properties, see Appendix A, “Standard
Common Event Infrastructure
This adapter is compatible with the IBMs Common Event Infrastructure, a
standard for event management that permits interoperability with other IBM
WebSphere event-producing applications. If Common Event Infrastructure support
is enabled, events produced by the adapter can be received (or used) by another
Common Event Infrastructure-compatible application.
For more information refer to the Common Event Infrastructure appendix in this
Application Response Measurement
This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli® Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.
For more information refer to the Application Response Measurement appendix in
this guide.
Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter
This chapter describes how to install the WebSphere® Business Integration Adapter
for Siebel eBusiness Applications.
Note: This chapter includes references to Event and Archive business components,
business objects, and tables. These references are synonymous with
references to CW Event and CW Archive that appear in earlier versions, and
with references to IBM® Event and IBM Archive that appear in Siebel 7.5
Adapter environment
Before you can install, configure, and run an adapter, you must understand its
environmental requirements.
Broker compatibility
This adapter runs with the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
FrameworkV2.6 and requires one of the following:
v WebSphere InterChange ServerV4.2.2,V4.3
v WebSphere MQ IntegratorV2.1
v WebSphere MQ Integrator BrokerV2.1
v WebSphere Business Integration Message BrokerV5.0.1
v WebSphere Application Server EnterpriseV5.0.2, in conjunction with WebSphere
Studio Application Developer Integration EditionV5.0.1
v WebSphere Business Integration Server FoundationV5.1.1
v DB2 Information IntegratorV8.2.3 - supported by WebSphere Business
Integration Adapters for, PeopleSoft, and Siebel only.
Adapter platforms
In addition to a broker, this adapter requires one of the following operating
v All operating system environments require the Java compiler (IBM JDK 1.4.2for
Windows 2000) for compiling custom adapters
v AIX:
AIX 5.1 with Maintenance Level 4
AIX 5.2 with Maintenance Level 1. This adapter supports 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit
v Solaris:
Solaris 8 (2.8) with Solaris Patch Cluster dated Feb. 11, 2004 or later
Solaris 9 (2.9) with Solaris Patch Cluster dated February 11, 2004 or later. This
adapter supports 32-bit JVM on a 64-bit platform.
v HP-UX:
HP-UX 11.i (11.11) with June 2003 GOLDBASE11i and June 2003 GOLDAPPS11i
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
v Windows:
Windows 2000 (Professional, Server, or Advanced Server) with Service Pack 4
Windows XP with Service Pack 1A, for WebSphere Business Integration Adapter
Framework (administrative tools only)
Windows 2003 (Standard Edition or Enterprise Edition)
Adapter dependencies
Before you use the connector, you must do the following:
v Install the Siebel 6.2.x, Siebel 7.0.x, Siebel 7.5.x, or Siebel 7.7x .jar files that will
be used.
v Verify the existence of a user account in the application. This user account must
be the same as the user specified in the Siebel scripts for event creation in Siebel
v Copy the Siebel Connector.txt file from the
%ProductDir%/connectors/messages/Siebel directory to the
User setup
Before installing the connector, you must create a user account for the connector in
Siebel. This user account should have full access privileges, and the login name
should be the same as the ApplicationUserName configuration property. The default
value for the user account login name and password is CWCONN.
When installing the connector, be sure to install the files from one of the following
lists to the %ProductDir%/Connectors/Siebel/dependencies directory. The files are
located on either Siebel 6 or Siebel 7 server.
Important: The start_Siebel.bat file in the %ProductDir%/Connectors/Siebel
directory currently has the English and Japanese Siebel .jar files in the
JCLASSES variable. This is added to the CLASSPATH. For any other
language supported by Siebel, the corresponding .jar file must be
added to the JCLASSES variable.
Siebel 6
v SiebelDataBean.jar
v SiebelTC_enu.jar
v SiebelTcCommon.jar
v SiebelTcOM.jar
Siebel 7.0x or 7.5x
v SiebelJI_Common.jar
v SiebelJI_enu.jar
Siebel 7.7
v Siebel.jar
v SiebelJI_enu.jar
10 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Installing the adapter and related files
For information on installing WebSphere Business Integration adapter products,
refer to the Installing WebSphere Business Integration Adapters guide located in the
WebSphere Business Integration Adapters Infocenter at the following site:
Verifying an installation
This section describes the file structures after the product has been installed on a
UNIX or Windows system.
Verifying installed files on a UNIX system
To verify the installation on a UNIX system, compare the files in the directory
UNIX file structure used by the connector.
Table 3. Installed UNIX file structure for the connector
Subdirectory of $ProductDir
Contains the CWSiebel.jar and the files for the adapter. The startup
script for the Siebel adapter is called from the
generic connector manager script. When you click
Install from the Connector Configurator,
WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker as the
integration broker, or the Connector
Configuration screen of System Manager (ICS as
the integration broker), the Installer creates a
customized wrapper for this connector manager
script. When the connector works with ICS, use
this customized wrapper to start and stop the
connector. When the connector works with
WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, use this
customized wrapper only to start the connector;
use mqsiremotestopadapter to stop the connector.
Contains the patch files for event management in
the Siebel eBusiness application. Should also
contain the siebel .jar files used by the Siebel
Contains the relevant message file,
connectors/Siebel/Samples/Repository Contains the following BO samples:
Siebel_BCAccount Siebel_BCQuote
Siebel_BCContact Siebel_BCInternalProduct
Contains the CN_Siebel.txt file.
Contains the WBIA. jar file.
Contains the file.
Verifying installed files on a Windows system
To verify the installation on a Windows system, compare the files in the directory
Windows file structure used by the connector.
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter 11
Table 4. Installed Windows file structure for the connector
Subdirectory of %ProductDir%
Contains the connector CWSiebel.jar and the
start_Siebel.bat files.
Contains the patch files for event management
in the Siebel eBusiness applications. This folder
should also contain the Siebel .jar files.
Contains the relevant message file,
Contains the following BO samples:
Siebel_BCAccount Siebel_BCQuote
Siebel_BCContact Siebel_BCInternalProduct
Contains the CN_Siebel.xsd file.
Contains the WBIA. jar file.
Contains the CWConnEnv.bat file.
Installer adds an icon for the connector file to the WebSphere business integration
menu. For a fast way to start the connector, create a shortcut to this file on the
Note: For more information on WebSphere business integration Installer, refer to
the System Installation Guide for Windows or for Unix.
Event and archive tables
The connector uses the event table to queue events for pickup. If you have set the
ArchiveProcessed property to true or to no value, the connector uses the archive
table to store events after updating their status in the event table.
For each event, the connector gets the business object’s name, verb, and key from
the Event business component. The connector uses this information to retrieve the
entire entity from the application. If the entity was changed after the event was
first logged, the connector gets the initial event and all subsequent changes. In
other words, if an entity is created and updated before the connector gets it from
the event table, the connector gets both data changes in the single retrieval.
The following three outcomes are possible for each event processed by a connector:
v Event was processed successfully
v Event was not processed successfully
v Event was not subscribed to
If events are not deleted from the event table after the connector picks them up,
they occupy unnecessary space there. However, if they are deleted, all events that
are not processed are lost and you cannot audit the event processing. Therefore,
you should also create an archive table and keep the ArchiveProcessed property set
to true. Whenever an event is deleted from the event table, the connector inserts it
into the archive table.
Configuring event and archive processing
To configure event and archive processing, you must use configuration properties
to specify the following information:
v The interval frequency
12 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
v The number of events for each polling interval
v Whether the connector archives unsubscribed and unprocessed events
v The unique ID of the connector, which is important when multiple connectors
poll the same table
Creating the event and archive tables in Siebel, versions 7.5
and 7.7
This procedure uses the Siebel Sales Enterprise application as an example.
Substitute all references to Siebel Sales Enterprise with the name of the Siebel
application in use.
To create the event and archive tables and to trigger the business objects, perform
the following procedure:
1. Ensure that all current projects have been checked in, including:
v Siebel Sales Enterprise project
v Projects that include objects that you want to modify, such as the Account
Note: Ensure that the projects are locked on both the local and development
2. Apply the six patch files in the following order to your local database:
v ibmtable.sif
v ibmview.sif
v ibmapplet.sif
v ibmbo.sif
v ibmbc.sif
v ibmcreen.sif
When you apply WebSphere business integration system patch files in a
Japanese environment, edit all the patch files as follows:
Edit the first line of each file from:
<xml version=”1.0” encoding=”windows-1252”?>
<xml version=”1.0” encoding=”Shift_JPN”?>
Replace all instances of the “ENU” language setting with “JPN.” If you use the
search and replace function of your text editor, make sure you use quotation
marks around the language setting to make sure no similar words (for
example, MENU) are replaced.
3. When you are prompted, lock the IBM Audit project on your local database.
4. Ensure that the following have been created:
v Two new tables, CX_IBM_ARCH_Q and CX_IBM_Event_Q
v One new business object, IBM Events
v One new business object, Schema version
v Two new business components, IBM Archive and IBM Events
v One new view, IBM Event List View
v Two new applets, IBM Archive List Applet and IBM Event List Applet
v One new screen IBM Events and one new screen view, IBM Event List view
5. Create a page tab as follows:
a. Access the Application > Siebel Sales Enterprise > Page tab.
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter 13
b. Right-click and select New Record from the menu.
c. Enter IBM Events as the screen name and IBM Events as the text name.
d. For the sequence, enter a number greater than the rest of the sequence
numbers. This selection determines where the tab is displayed in the
e. Leave the inactive field unchecked.
f. Go to the Page tab locale and create a new record for IBM Events. Add ENU
for the Language Code and IBMEvents for text, if it does not exists.
6. Create a screen menu item as follows:
a. Access the Application > Siebel Sales Enterprise > Screen Menu Item.
b. Right-click and select New Record.
c. Enter IBM Events as the screen and IBM Events as the text name.
d. For the sequence, enter a number greater than the rest of the sequence
numbers. This selection determines where the tab is displayed in the
screen pull-down menu.
e. Leave the inactive field unchecked.
f. Go to the screen menu item locale and create a new record for IBMEvents.
Add ENU for language and IBMEvents for text, if it does not exist.
7. Add or modify the Siebel VB scripts for the business components that
correspond to the business objects used at your site. The Siebel VB scripts
trigger event notification for business objects.
v If you want to sort events by priority, edit the priority values in the
business objects VB scripts before compiling them.
v If you are installing multiple connectors, set and activate the Connector Id
in the VB scripts.
8. Apply the physical schema for the new tables to your local database. You can
do this by querying for the two new tables, CX_IBM_ARCH_Q and
CX_IBM_EVENT_Q, and selecting the current query to create a physical schema.
Make sure that you leave the table space and index space blank.
9. Activate the new schema using the activate button.
10. Compile the updated and locked projects on your local database to create a
new Siebel repository (.srf) file.
11. Open Siebel Sales Enterprise on your local database. You must have
administrative privileges to perform the following:
a. .Create a new view called IBM Event List View. Tip: Copy the view name
from tools and paste it into the View Name field.
b. .Create a new responsibility called IBM Responsibility for IBM Event List
c. .Add the employees or teams who are responsible for reviewing events to
the newly created IBM Responsibility.
d. .Create the CWCONN user and add it to IBM Responsibility and
Administrative Responsibility.
12. Test the application in your local environment. Ensure that you have visibility
to IBM Event List View and that an event is generated in the view after you
create a supported object. For example, create a new account in Siebel and
check that a new account event appears in the IBM Event List View.
13. Check in the following updated and locked projects to your development
v IBM Audit
14 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
v Siebel Sales Enterprise
v The project for the business objects that you want to use
Note: You should check in your locked projects only through the query.
14. Apply the physical schema to your development database. You can do this by
querying for the two new tables, CX_IBM_ARCH_Q and CX_IBM_EVENT_Q, and
select the current query to create a physical schema. Make sure that you leave
the table space and index space blank.
15. Activate the queried tables in the development database.
16. Move to test and production environments accordingly.
17. Move your newly compiled Siebel.srf file to the server.
Note: Enable Enterprise Application Integration by going to:
Sitemap > Server Administration > Component Group and selecting Enable.
To set Siebel JAVABean:
1. Select, Site Map->Server Admin-> Components (Sales Object Manager).
2. In the lower applet, go to Component Parameter and enter a timeout value.
Note: The Request Timeout current value is set to 600. This means that the
connector will die after ten minutes. Based on Siebel, you can change
this value to be as large as you want.
Creating the event and archive tables in Siebel, versions
below 7.5
This procedure uses the Siebel Sales Enterprise application as an example.
Substitute all references to Siebel Sales Enterprise with the name of the Siebel
application in use.
To create the event and archive tables and to trigger the business objects, perform
the following procedure:
1. Ensure that all current projects have been checked in.
2. On your local database, check out and lock the following files:
v New Table Project
v Siebel Sales Enterprise project
v Projects that include objects that you want to modify, such as the Account
v Dock project
Note: Ensure that the projects are locked on both the local and development
3. Apply the seven patch files in the following order to your local database:
v cwtable.sif
v cwview.sif
v cwapplet.sif
v cwbo.sif
v cwbc.sif
v cwdo.sif
v cwscreen.sif
v schemabo.sif
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter 15
When you apply WebSphere business integration system patch files in a
Japanese environment, edit all the patch files as follows:
Edit the first line of each file from:
<xml version=”1.0” encoding=”windows-1252”?>
<xml version=”1.0” encoding=”Shift_JPN”?>
Replace all instances of the “ENU” language setting with “JPN.” If you use the
search and replace function of your text editor, make sure you use quotation
marks around the language setting to make sure no similar words (for
example, MENU) are replaced.
4. When you are prompted, lock the CW Audit project on your local database.
5. Ensure that the following have been created:
v Two new tables, CX_CW_Archive_Q and CX_CW_Event_Q
v One new business object, Events
v One new business object, schema version
v Two new business components, Archive and Events
v One new view, Event List View
v Two new applets, Archive List Applet and Event List Applet
v One new screen Events and one new screen view, Event List view
v Two new dock objects, CX_CWArchive and CX_CWEvent
6. Create a page tab as follows:
a. Access the Application > Siebel Sales Enterprise > Page tab.
b. Right-click and select New Record from the menu.
c. Enter CW Events as the screen name and IBM Events as the text name.
d. For the sequence, enter a number greater than the rest of the sequence
numbers. This selection determines where the tab is displayed in the
e. Leave the inactive field unchecked.
v If you are using Siebel 7, go to the Page tab locale and create a new record
for CW Events. Add ENU for the Language Code and IBMEvents for text, if it
does not exists.
7. Create a screen menu item as follows:
a. Access the Application > Siebel Sales Enterprise > Screen Menu Item.
b. Right-click and select New Record.
c. Enter Events as the screen and IBM Events as the text name.
d. For the sequence, enter a number greater than the rest of the sequence
numbers. This selection determines where the tab is displayed in the
screen pull-down menu.
e. Leave the inactive field unchecked.
v If you are using Siebel 7, go to the screen menu item locale and create a
new record for CWEvents. Add ENU for language and IBMEvents for text, if it
does not exist.
8. Add or modify the Siebel VB scripts for the business components that
correspond to the business objects used at your site. The Siebel VB scripts
trigger event notification for business objects.
16 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
v If you want to sort events by priority, edit the priority values in the
business objects VB scripts before compiling them.
v If you are installing is multiple connectors, set and activate the Connector
Id in the VB scripts.
Siebel 6
If you want to use the Additional Object Key field, you must set it in the
VB script.
9. Apply the physical schema for the new tables to your local database. You can
do this by querying for the two new tables, CX_CW_ARCHIVE_Q and
CX_CW_EVENT_Q, and selecting the current query to create a physical schema.
Make sure that you leave the table space and index space blank.
10. Activate the new schema using the activate button.
11. Compile the updated and locked projects on your local database to create a
new Siebel repository (.srf) file.
12. Open Siebel Sales Enterprise on your local database. You must have
administrative privileges to perform the following:
a. .Create a new view called Event List View. Tip: Copy the view name from
tools and paste it into the View Name field.
b. .Create a new responsibility called CW Responsibility for Event List View.
c. .Add the employees or teams who are responsible for reviewing events to
the newly created CW Responsibility.
d. .Create the CWCONN user and add it to CW Responsibility and
Administrative Responsibility.
13. Test the application in your local environment. Ensure that you have visibility
to Event List View and that an event is generated in the view after you create
a supported object. For example, create a new account in Siebel and check that
a new account event appears in the Event List View.
14. Check in the following updated and locked projects to your development
v New Table
v CW Audit
v Dock
v Siebel Sales Enterprise
v The project for the business objects that you want to use
Note: You should check in your locked projects only through the query.
15. Apply the physical schema to your development database. You can do this by
querying for the two new tables, CX_CW_ARCHIVE_Q and CX_CW_EVENT_Q, and
select the current query to create a physical schema. Make sure that you leave
the table space and index space blank.
16. Activate the queried tables in the development database.
17. Move to test and production environments accordingly.
18. Move your newly compiled Siebel.srf file to the server.
Note: Enable Enterprise Application Integration by going to:
Sitemap > Server Administration > Component Group and selecting Enable.
To set Siebel JAVABean:
1. Select, Site Map->Server Admin-> Components (Sales Object Manager).
2. In the lower applet, go to Component Parameter and enter a timeout value.
Chapter 2. Installing the adapter 17
Note: The Request Timeout current value is set to 600. This means that the
connector will die after ten minutes. Based on Siebel, you can change
this value to be as large as you want.
18 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector
This chapter describes how to install and configure the adapter using Connector
Overview of Connector Configurator
Connector Configurator allows you to configure the connector component of your
adapter for use with these integration brokers:
v WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS)
v WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, and WebSphere
Business Integration Message Broker, collectively referred to as the WebSphere
Message Brokers (WMQI)
v WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
If your adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator, use the WMQI options and
the DB2 II standard properties (see the Notes column in the Standard Properties
You use Connector Configurator to:
v Create a connector-specific property template for configuring your connector.
v Create a connector configuration file; you must create one configuration file for
each connector you install.
v Set properties in a configuration file.
You may need to modify the default values that are set for properties in the
connector templates. You must also designate supported business object
definitions and, with ICS, maps for use with collaborations as well as specify
messaging, logging and tracing, and data handler parameters, as required.
The mode in which you run Connector Configurator, and the configuration file
type you use, may differ according to which integration broker you are running.
For example, if WMQI is your broker, you run Connector Configurator directly,
and not from within System Manager (see “Running Configurator in stand-alone
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Connector configuration properties include both standard configuration properties
(the properties that all connectors have) and connector-specific properties
(properties that are needed by the connector for a specific application or
Because standard properties are used by all connectors, you do not need to define
those properties from scratch; Connector Configurator incorporates them into your
configuration file as soon as you create the file. However, you do need to set the
value of each standard property in Connector Configurator.
The range of standard properties may not be the same for all brokers and all
configurations. Some properties are available only if other properties are given a
specific value. The Standard Properties window in Connector Configurator will
show the properties available for your particular configuration.
For connector-specific properties, however, you need first to define the properties
and then set their values. You do this by creating a connector-specific property
template for your particular adapter. There may already be a template set up in
your system, in which case, you simply use that. If not, follow the steps in
“Creating a new template” on page 21 to set up a new one.
Running connectors on UNIX
Connector Configurator runs only in a Windows environment. If you are running
the connector in a UNIX environment, use Connector Configurator in Windows to
modify the configuration file and then copy the file to your UNIX environment.
Some properties in the Connector Configurator use directory paths, which default
to the Windows convention for directory paths. If you use the configuration file in
a UNIX environment, revise the directory paths to match the UNIX convention for
these paths. Select the target operating system in the toolbar drop-list so that the
correct operating system rules are used for extended validation.
Starting Connector Configurator
You can start and run Connector Configurator in either of two modes:
v Independently, in stand-alone mode
v From System Manager
Running Configurator in stand-alone mode
You can run Connector Configurator independently and work with connector
configuration files, irrespective of your broker.
To do so:
v From Start>Programs, click IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters>IBM WebSphere Business Integration Tools>Connector
v Select File>New>Connector Configuration.
v When you click the pull-down menu next to System Connectivity Integration
Broker, you can select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS, depending on
your broker.
You may choose to run Connector Configurator independently to generate the file,
and then connect to System Manager to save it in a System Manager project (see
20 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Running Configurator from System Manager
You can run Connector Configurator from System Manager.
To run Connector Configurator:
1. Open the System Manager.
2. In the System Manager window, expand the Integration Component Libraries
icon and highlight Connectors.
3. From the System Manager menu bar, click Tools>Connector Configurator. The
Connector Configurator window opens and displays a New Connector dialog
4. When you click the pull-down menu next to System Connectivity Integration
Broker, you can select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS, depending on
your broker.
To edit an existing configuration file:
v In the System Manager window, select any of the configuration files listed in the
Connector folder and right-click on it. Connector Configurator opens and
displays the configuration file with the integration broker type and file name at
the top.
v From Connector Configurator, select File>Open. Select the name of the
connector configuration file from a project or from the directory in which it is
Click the Standard Properties tab to see which properties are included in this
configuration file.
Creating a connector-specific property template
To create a configuration file for your connector, you need a connector-specific
property template as well as the system-supplied standard properties.
You can create a brand-new template for the connector-specific properties of your
connector, or you can use an existing connector definition as the template.
v To use an existing file, simply modify an existing template and save it under the
new name. You can find existing templates in your
\WebSphereAdapters\bin\Data\App directory.
Creating a new template
This section describes how you create properties in the template, define general
characteristics and values for those properties, and specify any dependencies
between the properties. Then you save the template and use it as the base for
creating a new connector configuration file.
To create a template in Connector Configurator:
1. Click File>New>Connector-Specific Property Template.
2. The Connector-Specific Property Template dialog box appears.
v Enter a name for the new template in the Name field below Input a New
Template Name. You will see this name again when you open the dialog box
for creating a new configuration file from a template.
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 21
v To see the connector-specific property definitions in any template, select that
template’s name in the Template Name display. A list of the property
definitions contained in that template appears in the Template Preview
3. You can use an existing template whose property definitions are similar to
those required by your connector as a starting point for your template. If you
do not see any template that displays the connector-specific properties used by
your connector, you will need to create one.
v If you are planning to modify an existing template, select the name of the
template from the list in the Template Name table below Select the Existing
Template to Modify: Find Template.
v This table displays the names of all currently available templates. You can
also search for a template.
Specifying general characteristics
When you click Next to select a template, the Properties - Connector-Specific
Property Template dialog box appears. The dialog box has tabs for General
characteristics of the defined properties and for Value restrictions. The General
display has the following fields:
v General:
Property Type
Property Subtype
Updated Method
v Flags
Standard flags
v Custom Flag
The Property Subtype can be selected when Property Type is a String. It is an
optional value which provides syntax checking when you save the configuration
file. The default is a blank space, and means that the property has not been
After you have made selections for the general characteristics of the property, click
the Value tab.
Specifying values
The Value tab enables you to set the maximum length, the maximum multiple
values, a default value, or a value range for the property. It also allows editable
values. To do so:
1. Click the Value tab. The display panel for Value replaces the display panel for
2. Select the name of the property in the Edit properties display.
3. In the fields for Max Length and Max Multiple Values, enter your values.
To create a new property value:
1. Right-click on the square to the left of the Value column heading.
2. From the pop-up menu, select Add to display the Property Value dialog box.
Depending on the property type, the dialog box allows you to enter either a
value, or both a value and a range.
3. Enter the new property value and click OK. The value appears in the Value
panel on the right.
22 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
The Value panel displays a table with three columns:
The Value column shows the value that you entered in the Property Value dialog
box, and any previous values that you created.
The Default Value column allows you to designate any of the values as the
The Value Range shows the range that you entered in the Property Value dialog
After a value has been created and appears in the grid, it can be edited from
within the table display.
To make a change in an existing value in the table, select an entire row by clicking
on the row number. Then right-click in the Value field and click Edit Value.
Setting dependencies
When you have made your changes to the General and Value tabs, click Next. The
Dependencies - Connector-Specific Property Template dialog box appears.
A dependent property is a property that is included in the template and used in
the configuration file only if the value of another property meets a specific
condition. For example, PollQuantity appears in the template only if JMS is the
transport mechanism and DuplicateEventElimination is set to True.
To designate a property as dependent and to set the condition upon which it
depends, do this:
1. In the Available Properties display, select the property that will be made
2. In the Select Property field, use the drop-down menu to select the property
that will hold the conditional value.
3. In the Condition Operator field, select one of the following:
== (equal to)
!= (not equal to)
> (greater than)
< (less than)
>= (greater than or equal to)
<=(less than or equal to)
4. In the Conditional Value field, enter the value that is required in order for the
dependent property to be included in the template.
5. With the dependent property highlighted in the Available Properties display,
click an arrow to move it to the Dependent Property display.
6. Click Finish. Connector Configurator stores the information you have entered
as an XML document, under \data\app in the \bin directory where you have
installed Connector Configurator.
Setting pathnames
Some general rules for setting pathnames are:
v The maximum length of a filename in Windows and UNIX is 255 characters.
v In Windows, the absolute pathname must follow the format
[Drive:][Directory]\filename: for example,
In UNIX the first character should be /.
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 23
v Queue names may not have leading or embedded spaces.
Creating a new configuration file
When you create a new configuration file, you must name it and select an
integration broker.
You also select an operating system for extended validation on the file. The toolbar
has a droplist called Target System that allows you to select the target operating
system for extended validation of the properties. The available options are:
Windows, UNIX, Other (if not Windows or UNIX), and None-no extended
validation (switches off extended validation). The default on startup is Windows.
To start Connector Configurator:
v In the System Manager window, select Connector Configurator from the Tools
menu. Connector Configurator opens.
v In stand-alone mode, launch Connector Configurator.
To set the operating system for extended validation of the configuration file:
v Pull down the Target System: droplist on the menu bar.
v Select the operating system you are running on.
Then select File>New>Connector Configuration. In the New Connector window,
enter the name of the new connector.
You also need to select an integration broker. The broker you select determines the
properties that will appear in the configuration file. To select a broker:
v In the Integration Broker field, select ICS, WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS
v Complete the remaining fields in the New Connector window, as described later
in this chapter.
Creating a configuration file from a connector-specific
Once a connector-specific template has been created, you can use it to create a
configuration file:
1. Set the operating system for extended validation of the configuration file using
the Target System: droplist on the menu bar (see “Creating a new configuration
file” above).
2. Click File>New>Connector Configuration.
3. The New Connector dialog box appears, with the following fields:
v Name
Enter the name of the connector. Names are case-sensitive. The name you
enter must be unique, and must be consistent with the file name for a
connector that is installed on the system.
Important: Connector Configurator does not check the spelling of the name
that you enter. You must ensure that the name is correct.
v System Connectivity
Click ICS or WebSphere Message Brokers or WAS.
v Select Connector-Specific Property Template
24 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Type the name of the template that has been designed for your connector.
The available templates are shown in the Template Name display. When you
select a name in the Template Name display, the Property Template Preview
display shows the connector-specific properties that have been defined in
that template.
Select the template you want to use and click OK.
4. A configuration screen appears for the connector that you are configuring. The
title bar shows the integration broker and connector name. You can fill in all
the field values to complete the definition now, or you can save the file and
complete the fields later.
5. To save the file, click File>Save>To File or File>Save>To Project. To save to a
project, System Manager must be running.
If you save as a file, the Save File Connector dialog box appears. Choose *.cfg
as the file type, verify in the File Name field that the name is spelled correctly
and has the correct case, navigate to the directory where you want to locate the
file, and click Save. The status display in the message panel of Connector
Configurator indicates that the configuration file was successfully created.
Important: The directory path and name that you establish here must match
the connector configuration file path and name that you supply in
the startup file for the connector.
6. To complete the connector definition, enter values in the fields for each of the
tabs of the Connector Configurator window, as described later in this chapter.
Using an existing file
You may have an existing file available in one or more of the following formats:
v A connector definition file.
This is a text file that lists properties and applicable default values for a specific
connector. Some connectors include such a file in a \repository directory in
their delivery package (the file typically has the extension .txt; for example,
CN_XML.txt for the XML connector).
v An ICS repository file.
Definitions used in a previous ICS implementation of the connector may be
available to you in a repository file that was used in the configuration of that
connector. Such a file typically has the extension .in or .out.
v A previous configuration file for the connector.
Such a file typically has the extension *.cfg.
Although any of these file sources may contain most or all of the connector-specific
properties for your connector, the connector configuration file will not be complete
until you have opened the file and set properties, as described later in this chapter.
To use an existing file to configure a connector, you must open the file in
Connector Configurator, revise the configuration, and then resave the file.
Follow these steps to open a *.txt, *.cfg, or *.in file from a directory:
1. In Connector Configurator, click File>Open>From File.
2. In the Open File Connector dialog box, select one of the following file types to
see the available files:
v Configuration (*.cfg)
v ICS Repository (*.in, *.out)
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 25
Choose this option if a repository file was used to configure the connector in
an ICS environment. A repository file may include multiple connector
definitions, all of which will appear when you open the file.
v All files (*.*)
Choose this option if a *.txt file was delivered in the adapter package for
the connector, or if a definition file is available under another extension.
3. In the directory display, navigate to the appropriate connector definition file,
select it, and click Open.
Follow these steps to open a connector configuration from a System Manager
1. Start System Manager. A configuration can be opened from or saved to System
Manager only if System Manager has been started.
2. Start Connector Configurator.
3. Click File>Open>From Project.
Completing a configuration file
When you open a configuration file or a connector from a project, the Connector
Configurator window displays the configuration screen, with the current attributes
and values.
The title of the configuration screen displays the integration broker and connector
name as specified in the file. Make sure you have the correct broker. If not, change
the broker value before you configure the connector. To do so:
1. Under the Standard Properties tab, select the value field for the BrokerType
property. In the drop-down menu, select the value ICS, WMQI, or WAS.
2. The Standard Properties tab will display the connector properties associated
with the selected broker. The table shows Property name, Value, Type, Subtype
(if the Type is a string), Description, and Update Method.
3. You can save the file now or complete the remaining configuration fields, as
4. When you have finished your configuration, click File>Save>To Project or
File>Save>To File.
If you are saving to file, select *.cfg as the extension, select the correct location
for the file and click Save.
If multiple connector configurations are open, click Save All to File to save all
of the configurations to file, or click Save All to Project to save all connector
configurations to a System Manager project.
Before you created the configuration file, you used the Target System droplist
that allows you to select the target operating system for extended validation of
the properties.
Before it saves the file, Connector Configurator checks that values have been
set for all required standard properties. If a required standard property is
missing a value, Connector Configurator displays a message that the validation
failed. You must supply a value for the property in order to save the
configuration file.
If you have elected to use the extended validation feature by selecting a value
of Windows, UNIX or Other from the Target System droplist, the system will
validate the property subtype s well as the type, and it displays a warning
message if the validation fails.
26 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Setting the configuration file properties
When you create and name a new connector configuration file, or when you open
an existing connector configuration file, Connector Configurator displays a
configuration screen with tabs for the categories of required configuration values.
Connector Configurator requires values for properties in these categories for
connectors running on all brokers:
v Standard Properties
v Connector-specific Properties
v Supported Business Objects
v Trace/Log File values
v Data Handler (applicable for connectors that use JMS messaging with
guaranteed event delivery)
Note: For connectors that use JMS messaging, an additional category may display,
for configuration of data handlers that convert the data to business objects.
For connectors running on ICS, values for these properties are also required:
v Associated Maps
v Resources
v Messaging (where applicable)
v Security
Important: Connector Configurator accepts property values in either English or
non-English character sets. However, the names of both standard and
connector-specific properties, and the names of supported business
objects, must use the English character set only.
Standard properties differ from connector-specific properties as follows:
v Standard properties of a connector are shared by both the application-specific
component of a connector and its broker component. All connectors have the
same set of standard properties. These properties are described in the Standard
Properties appendix. You can change some but not all of these values.
v Application-specific properties apply only to the application-specific component
of a connector, that is, the component that interacts directly with the application.
Each connector has application-specific properties that are unique to its
application. Some of these properties provide default values and some do not;
you can modify some of the default values. The installation and configuration
chapters of each adapter guide describe the application-specific properties and
the recommended values.
The fields for Standard Properties and Connector-Specific Properties are
color-coded to show which are configurable:
v A field with a grey background indicates a standard property. You can change
the value but cannot change the name or remove the property.
v A field with a white background indicates an application-specific property. These
properties vary according to the specific needs of the application or connector.
You can change the value and delete these properties.
v Value fields are configurable.
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 27
v The Update Method field is displayed for each property. It indicates whether a
component or agent restart is necessary to activate changed values. You cannot
configure this setting.
Setting standard connector properties
To change the value of a standard property:
1. Click in the field whose value you want to set.
2. Either enter a value, or select one from the drop-down menu if it appears.
Note: If the property has a Type of String, it may have a subtype value in the
Subtype column. This subtype is used for extended validation of the
3. After entering all the values for the standard properties, you can do one of the
v To discard the changes, preserve the original values, and exit Connector
Configurator, click File>Exit (or close the window), and click No when
prompted to save changes.
v To enter values for other categories in Connector Configurator, select the tab
for the category. The values you enter for Standard Properties (or any other
category) are retained when you move to the next category. When you close
the window, you are prompted to either save or discard the values that you
entered in all the categories as a whole.
v To save the revised values, click File>Exit (or close the window) and click
Yes when prompted to save changes. Alternatively, click Save>To File from
either the File menu or the toolbar.
To get more information on a particular standard property, left-click the entry in
the Description column for that property in the Standard Properties tabbed sheet.
If you have Extended Help installed, an arrow button will appear on the right.
When you click on the button, a Help window will open and display details of the
standard property.
Note: If the hot button does not appear, no Extended Help was found for that
If installed, the Extended Help files are located in
Setting connector-specific configuration properties
For connector-specific configuration properties, you can add or change property
names, configure values, delete a property, and encrypt a property. The default
property length is 255 characters.
1. Right-click in the top left portion of the grid. A pop-up menu bar will appear.
Click Add to add a property. To add a child property, right-click on the parent
row number and click Add child.
2. Enter a value for the property or child property.
Note: If the property has a Type of String, you can select a subtype from the
Subtype droplist. This subtype is used for extended validation of the
3. To encrypt a property, select the Encrypt box.
28 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
4. To get more information on a particular property, left-click the entry in the
Description column for that property. If you have Extended Help installed, a
hot button will appear. When you click on the hot button, a Help window will
open and display details of the standard property.
Note: If the hot button does not appear, no Extended Help was found for that
If the Extended Help files are installed and the AdapterHelpName property is
blank, Connector Configurator will point to the adapter-specific Extended Help
files located in <ProductDir>\bin\Data\App\Help\<RegionalSetting>\. Otherwise,
Connector Configurator will point to the adapter-specific Extended Help files
located in
<ProductDir>\bin\Data\App\Help\<AdapterHelpName>\<RegionalSetting>\. See
the AdapterHelpName property described in the Standard Properties appendix.
The Update Method displayed for each property indicates whether a component or
agent restart is necessary to activate changed values.
Important: Changing a preset application-specific connector property name may
cause a connector to fail. Certain property names may be needed by
the connector to connect to an application or to run properly.
Encryption for connector properties
Application-specific properties can be encrypted by selecting the Encrypt check
box in the Connector-specific Properties window. To decrypt a value, click to clear
the Encrypt check box, enter the correct value in the Verification dialog box, and
click OK. If the entered value is correct, the value is decrypted and displays.
The adapter user guide for each connector contains a list and description of each
property and its default value.
If a property has multiple values, the Encrypt check box will appear for the first
value of the property. When you select Encrypt, all values of the property will be
encrypted. To decrypt multiple values of a property, click to clear the Encrypt
check box for the first value of the property, and then enter the new value in the
Verification dialog box. If the input value is a match, all multiple values will
Update method
Refer to the descriptions of update methods found in the Standard Properties
Specifying supported business object definitions
Use the Supported Business Objects tab in Connector Configurator to specify the
business objects that the connector will use. You must specify both generic business
objects and application-specific business objects, and you must specify associations
for the maps between the business objects.
Note: Some connectors require that certain business objects be specified as
supported in order to perform event notification or additional configuration
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 29
(using meta-objects) with their applications. For more information, see the
Connector Development Guide for C++ or the Connector Development Guide for
If ICS is your broker
To specify that a business object definition is supported by the connector, or to
change the support settings for an existing business object definition, click the
Supported Business Objects tab and use the following fields.
Business object name: To designate that a business object definition is supported
by the connector, with System Manager running:
1. Click an empty field in the Business Object Name list. A drop list displays,
showing all the business object definitions that exist in the System Manager
2. Click on a business object to add it.
3. Set the Agent Support (described below) for the business object.
4. In the File menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Save to Project.
The revised connector definition, including designated support for the added
business object definition, is saved to an ICL (Integration Component Library)
project in System Manager.
To delete a business object from the supported list:
1. To select a business object field, click the number to the left of the business
2. From the Edit menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Delete Row.
The business object is removed from the list display.
3. From the File menu, click Save to Project.
Deleting a business object from the supported list changes the connector definition
and makes the deleted business object unavailable for use in this implementation
of this connector. It does not affect the connector code, nor does it remove the
business object definition itself from System Manager.
Agent support: If a business object has Agent Support, the system will attempt to
use that business object for delivering data to an application via the connector
Typically, application-specific business objects for a connector are supported by
that connector’s agent, but generic business objects are not.
To indicate that the business object is supported by the connector agent, check the
Agent Support box. The Connector Configurator window does not validate your
Agent Support selections.
Maximum transaction level: The maximum transaction level for a connector is
the highest transaction level that the connector supports.
For most connectors, Best Effort is the only possible choice.
You must restart the server for changes in transaction level to take effect.
If a WebSphere Message Broker is your broker
If you are working in stand-alone mode (not connected to System Manager), you
must enter the business object name manually.
30 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
If you have System Manager running, you can select the empty box under the
Business Object Name column in the Supported Business Objects tab. A combo
box appears with a list of the business object available from the Integration
Component Library project to which the connector belongs. Select the business
object you want from the list.
The Message Set ID is an optional field for WebSphere Business Integration
Message Broker 5.0, and need not be unique if supplied. However, for WebSphere
MQ Integrator and Integrator Broker 2.1, you must supply a unique ID.
If WAS is your broker
When WebSphere Application Server is selected as your broker type, Connector
Configurator does not require message set IDs. The Supported Business Objects
tab shows a Business Object Name column only for supported business objects.
If you are working in stand-alone mode (not connected to System Manager), you
must enter the business object name manually.
If you have System Manager running, you can select the empty box under the
Business Object Name column in the Supported Business Objects tab. A combo box
appears with a list of the business objects available from the Integration
Component Library project to which the connector belongs. Select the business
object you want from this list.
Associated maps (ICS)
Each connector supports a list of business object definitions and their associated
maps that are currently active in WebSphere InterChange Server. This list appears
when you select the Associated Maps tab.
The list of business objects contains the application-specific business object which
the agent supports and the corresponding generic object that the controller sends
to the subscribing collaboration. The association of a map determines which map
will be used to transform the application-specific business object to the generic
business object or the generic business object to the application-specific business
If you are using maps that are uniquely defined for specific source and destination
business objects, the maps will already be associated with their appropriate
business objects when you open the display, and you will not need (or be able) to
change them.
If more than one map is available for use by a supported business object, you will
need to explicitly bind the business object with the map that it should use.
The Associated Maps tab displays the following fields:
v Business Object Name
These are the business objects supported by this connector, as designated in the
Supported Business Objects tab. If you designate additional business objects
under the Supported Business Objects tab, they will be reflected in this list after
you save the changes by choosing Save to Project from the File menu of the
Connector Configurator window.
v Associated Maps
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 31
The display shows all the maps that have been installed to the system for use
with the supported business objects of the connector. The source business object
for each map is shown to the left of the map name, in the Business Object
Name display.
v Explicit Binding
In some cases, you may need to explicitly bind an associated map.
Explicit binding is required only when more than one map exists for a particular
supported business object. When ICS boots, it tries to automatically bind a map
to each supported business object for each connector. If more than one map
takes as its input the same business object, the server attempts to locate and
bind one map that is the superset of the others.
If there is no map that is the superset of the others, the server will not be able to
bind the business object to a single map, and you will need to set the binding
To explicitly bind a map:
1. In the Explicit column, place a check in the check box for the map you want
to bind.
2. Select the map that you intend to associate with the business object.
3. In the File menu of the Connector Configurator window, click Save to
4. Deploy the project to ICS.
5. Reboot the server for the changes to take effect.
Resources (ICS)
The Resource tab allows you to set a value that determines whether and to what
extent the connector agent will handle multiple processes concurrently, using
connector agent parallelism.
Not all connectors support this feature. If you are running a connector agent that
was designed in Java to be multi-threaded, you are advised not to use this feature,
since it is usually more efficient to use multiple threads than multiple processes.
Messaging (ICS)
The Messaging tab enables you to configure messaging properties. The messaging
properties are available only if you have set MQ as the value of the
DeliveryTransport standard property and ICS as the broker type. These properties
affect how your connector will use queues.
Validating messaging queues
Before you can validate a messaging queue, you must:
v Make sure that WebSphere MQ Series is installed.
v Create a messaging queue with channel and port on the host machine.
v Set up a connection to the host machine.
To validate the queue, use the Validate button to the right of the Messaging Type
and Host Name fields on the Messaging tab.
Security (ICS)
You can use the Security tab in Connector Configurator to set various privacy
levels for a message. You can only use this feature when the DeliveryTransport
property is set to JMS.
32 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
By default, Privacy is turned off. Check the Privacy box to enable it.
The Keystore Target System Absolute Pathname is:
v For Windows:
v For UNIX:
This path and file should be on the system where you plan to start the connector,
that is, the target system.
You can use the Browse button at the right only if the target system is the one
currently running. It is greyed out unless Privacy is enabled and the Target System
in the menu bar is set to Windows.
The Message Privacy Level may be set as follows for the three messages categories
(All Messages, All Administrative Messages, and All Business Object Messages):
“” is the default; used when no privacy levels for a message category have been
v none
Not the same as the default: use this to deliberately set a privacy level of none
for a message category.
v integrity
v privacy
v integrity_plus_privacy
The Key Maintenance feature lets you generate, import and export public keys for
the server and adapter.
v When you select Generate Keys, the Generate Keys dialog box appears with the
defaults for the keytool that will generate the keys.
v The keystore value defaults to the value you entered in Keystore Target System
Absolute Pathname on the Security tab.
v When you select OK, the entries are validated, the key certificate is generated
and the output is sent to the Connector Configurator log window.
Before you can import a certificate into the adapter keystore, you must export it
from the server keystore. When you select Export Adapter Public Key, the Export
Adapter Public Key dialog box appears.
The export certificate defaults to the same value as the keystore, except that the
file extension is <filename>.cer.
When you select Import Server Public Key, the Import Server Public Key dialog
box appears.
The import certificate defaults to <ProductDir>\bin\ics.cer (if the file exists on
the system).
v The import Certificate Association should be the server name. If a server is
registered, you can select it from the droplist.
The Adapter Access Control feature is enabled only when the value of
DeliveryTransport is IDL. By default, the adapter logs in with the guest identity. If
the Use guest identity box is not checked, the Adapter Identity and Adapter
Password fields are enabled.
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 33
Setting trace/log file values
When you open a connector configuration file or a connector definition file,
Connector Configurator uses the logging and tracing values of that file as default
values. You can change those values in Connector Configurator.
To change the logging and tracing values:
1. Click the Trace/Log Files tab.
2. For either logging or tracing, you can choose to write messages to one or both
of the following:
v To console (STDOUT):
Writes logging or tracing messages to the STDOUT display.
Note: You can only use the STDOUT option from the Trace/Log Files tab for
connectors running on the Windows platform.
v To File:
Writes logging or tracing messages to a file that you specify. To specify the
file, click the directory button (ellipsis), navigate to the preferred location,
provide a file name, and click Save. Logging or tracing message are written
to the file and location that you specify.
Note: Both logging and tracing files are simple text files. You can use the file
extension that you prefer when you set their file names. For tracing
files, however, it is advisable to use the extension .trace rather than
.trc, to avoid confusion with other files that might reside on the
system. For logging files, .log and .txt are typical file extensions.
Data handlers
The data handlers section is available for configuration only if you have designated
a value of JMS for DeliveryTransport and a value of JMS for
ContainerManagedEvents. Not all adapters make use of data handlers.
See the descriptions under ContainerManagedEvents in Appendix A, Standard
Properties, for values to use for these properties. For additional details, see the
Connector Development Guide for C++ or the Connector Development Guide for Java.
Saving your configuration file
When you have finished configuring your connector, save the connector
configuration file. Connector Configurator saves the file in the broker mode that
you selected during configuration. The title bar of Connector Configurator always
displays the broker mode (ICS, WMQI or WAS) that it is currently using.
The file is saved as an XML document. You can save the XML document in three
v From System Manager, as a file with a *.con extension in an Integration
Component Library, or
v In a directory that you specify.
v In stand-alone mode, as a file with a *.cfg extension in a directory folder. By
default, the file is saved to \WebSphereAdapters\bin\Data\App.
v You can also save it to a WebSphere Application Server project if you have set
one up.
34 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
For details about using projects in System Manager, and for further information
about deployment, see the following implementation guides:
v For ICS: Implementation Guide for WebSphere InterChange Server
v For WebSphere Message Brokers: Implementing Adapters with WebSphere Message
v For WAS: Implementing Adapters with WebSphere Application Server
Changing a configuration file
You can change the integration broker setting for an existing configuration file.
This enables you to use the file as a template for creating a new configuration file,
which can be used with a different broker.
Note: You will need to change other configuration properties as well as the broker
mode property if you switch integration brokers.
To change your broker selection within an existing configuration file (optional):
v Open the existing configuration file in Connector Configurator.
v Select the Standard Properties tab.
v In the BrokerType field of the Standard Properties tab, select the value that is
appropriate for your broker.
When you change the current value, the available tabs and field selections in the
properties window will immediately change, to show only those tabs and fields
that pertain to the new broker you have selected.
Completing the configuration
After you have created a configuration file for a connector and modified it, make
sure that the connector can locate the configuration file when the connector starts
To do so, open the startup file used for the connector, and verify that the location
and file name used for the connector configuration file match exactly the name you
have given the file and the directory or path where you have placed it.
Using Connector Configurator in a globalized environment
Connector Configurator is globalized and can handle character conversion between
the configuration file and the integration broker. Connector Configurator uses
native encoding. When it writes to the configuration file, it uses UTF-8 encoding.
Connector Configurator supports non-English characters in:
v All value fields
v Log file and trace file path (specified in the Trace/Log files tab)
The drop list for the CharacterEncoding and Locale standard configuration
properties displays only a subset of supported values. To add other values to the
drop list, you must manually modify the \Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the
product directory.
For example, to add the locale en_GB to the list of values for the Locale property,
open the stdConnProps.xml file and add the line in boldface type below:
Chapter 3. Configuring the connector 35
<Property name="Locale"
updateMethod="component restart">
36 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects
This chapter describes how the connector processes business objects. To properly
create or modify business objects for Siebel, you must understand the object
relationships within the Siebel architecture.
Note: This chapter includes references to Event and Archive business components,
business objects, and tables. These references are synonymous with
references to CW Event and CW Archive that appear in earlier versions, and
with references to IBM Event and IBM Archive that appear in Siebel 7.5
Business object structure and relationships
The connector supports Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, Exists, Retrieve By
Content, and DetlaUpdate verbs for a Siebel application-specific business object
whose semantics are encapsulated in its business object definition. There is no
connector logic that processes a Siebel application-specific business object
according to hard-coded instructions in the connector. For example, the connector
does not expect a particular business object to consist of a certain type and number
of entities. What the connector expects is that any object may consist of one or
more entities.
Siebel business components can be associated in three ways. They can be linked in
one-to-one relationships through single-valued links, or they can have Multi-Value
Link (MVL) fields representing one-to-many relationships, or they can have a
simple link.
Business components can be associated in many-to-one relationships by means of
PickLists. Business component methods provide support for searching a PickList
business component for a specific value and placing that value in a field. Finally,
business components can be associated in many-to-many relationships through
intersection tables.
If there are two unrelated single cardinality business components under the same
business object in Siebel, a separate business object wrapper needs to be created.
In order to support the Siebel concept of a business object context encapsulating
numerous business components, a top-level business object should correspond to
the appropriate Siebel business object. The top-level business object
application-specific information should contain the name of the corresponding
Siebel business object. Each top-level attribute should then correspond to a Siebel
business component.
Within a business object definition that corresponds to a business component, each
attribute specifies either a simple field, or a Multi-Value Group (MVG) field. The
attribute data in simple attributes should have simple data types. Attributes that
correspond to MVG fields should be treated as child (container) business objects.
This business object structure is part of the meta-data that allows the connector to
handle all business objects in the same manner. The connector can support
additional Siebel objects if a business object definition is specified for the object.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Specifying key attributes
When developing a Siebel business object, always place the key attribute at the top
of the object. This ensures that the connector has the key value before processing
the rest of the object. Placing the key attribute elsewhere in the object may lead to
processing errors. The key attribute for an object is its RowId in Siebel.
Note: The connector does not support specifying an attribute that represents a
child business object or an array of child business objects as a key attribute,
except for the child of a top-level business object (the Siebel BO).
Note: When developing business objects for the connector, you must ensure that
there is a 1-to-1 correspondence between the business object and the Siebel
business component.
Attribute properties
The following tables describe simple attributes and child object attributes.
Table 5. Simple attribute
Name of attribute
Data Type of the attribute. Currently, this is
not used, but for forward compatibility
reasons, SiebelODA sets the type to either
boolean, String, Date, int, double. All types
are treated as Strings.
Applies to String types and represents the
maximum length allowed for the attribute.
This is not used by the connector. If the data
is large, it must be handled in the business
If set, this denotes that the attribute is a key.
It is used with Update to update a specific
record in Siebel. With Retrieve, these
attributes are used in the search specification
to get the record from Siebel. During Delete,
The keys are set on the top-level business
Not used.
Set to true if the attribute for the fields in the
Siebel business component whose “Required”
property is checked.
Text comprised of information about
communicating with the application and
getting the Siebel business objects and
business components associated with this
business object.
If set for the attribute, this value is used by
the connector if one is not set in the inbound
business object and the connector property
UseDefaults is set to True.
Table 6. Child object attributes
Name of the child object
Business object type for the child.
The child business object version
38 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 6. Child object attributes (continued)
Name of the child object
If the child is a container attribute, this is set
to Containment.
This attribute has to be set on the primary
business component.
Not used.
If set to True, the child is expected to have a
representation in the parent business object.
During Create verb processing, the primary
business component is required to be
present. A check is made to see if this
component is present in the inbound
business object. If found, the create proceeds
unless an error is thrown indicating that the
required object was not found in the inbound
business object.
1 or N depending on the number of child
records that can be chosen for a parent
Business object application-specific information
Application-specific information in business object definitions provides the
connector with application-dependent instructions on how to process business
objects. Because a meta-data-driven connector makes assumptions about how its
supported business objects are designed, modifications to business objects must
match the connector’s rules for the connector to process modified business objects
correctly. Therefore, if you modify or create Siebel application-specific business
objects, you must be sure that the application-specific information in the business
object definition matches the syntax that the connector expects.
This section describes the application-specific information for the Siebel business
object, attributes, and verbs.
Business object application-specific information
The application-specific information at the top level of a business object specifies
the name of the Siebel business object. For example, the object application-specific
information for the parent business object Siebel_BCAccount specifies the Siebel
Account object, as shown below.
Name = Siebel_BCAccount
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = ON=Account;CN=Account
Example of multiple unrelated business components:
Name = Siebel_BCInternalProduct
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = CN=InternalProduct
Name = Siebel_BCProductDefect
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = CN=ProductDefect
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects 39
Name = Siebel_BOInternalProduct
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = ON=InternalProduct
Name = Siebel_BCInternalProduct
Type = Siebel_BCInternalProduct
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 0
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo =
Name = Siebel_BCProductDefect
Type = Siebel_BCProductDefect
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 0
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo =
Attribute application-specific information format
The connector uses application-specific information for simple attributes and
container attributes. The application-specific property field must be empty for the
ObjectEventId attribute.
Application-specific information for simple attributes
For simple attributes, the application-specific information consists of the
name-value pairs listed in the following table. The name-value pairs are
order-independent and are delimited by semicolons.
FN =
The name of the corresponding field in the
Siebel business component.
PLK = ...;Restrict=<field name>:Siebel
GUI Name>,<field name>:Siebel GUI Name
Business components in Siebel can be
associated with a many-to-one relationship
using PickLists. The PickList can be searched,
and a specific value can be chosen to be
placed in a field. The PickListKey is set in
case there is a PickList associated with the
field in Siebel. The PickListKey identifies the
field in the PickList that is used in the search
specification to obtain the PickList record. In
some cases, PickList values are chosen based
on more than one attribute. In such cases, the
PickList can be restricted by more than one
Example of the use of these parameters are provided in the sections that follow.
40 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Field names for a simple attributes
application-specific information for simple business objects attributes must specify
the name of the corresponding field in the Siebel business component. The
application-specific information for this is:
For example, in the Siebel_BCAccount business object the application-specific
information for the Main Phone attribute specifies that Main Phone Number is the
corresponding field in the Siebel Account business component. The
application-specific information in the business object attribute is shown below.
Name = Main Phone
Type = String
IsKey = false
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Main Phone Number
Foreign key relationship using a pickList
In Siebel, a foreign key relationship between two business components is defined
by a PickList. If a field has an associated PickList, the field’s PickList property
and PickList correspondence define the relationship between the two business
components. One of the attributes in the PickList correspondence is usually an Id,
such as Account Id or Product Id.
On a simple attribute in a business object, if a Siebel business component field has
an associated PickList, the attribute application-specific information in the business
object should be coded to provide the connector with this information so that the
connector can use the attribute as a foreign key.
To specify a PickList for an attribute, you need to include two attributes in the
business object. The first attribute identifies the foreign key field of the related
business component, and the second attribute corresponds to the field in the
business component that has the PickList as a field property. Two attributes are
required because the PickList relationship is based on the object name rather than
the object Id.
In the application-specific information for the PickList attribute, specify that this
attribute is a PickList using the text PLK. Then, to identify which record in the
PickList should be selected, use the text PLK=...;Restrict=<field name>:<Siebel
GUI Name>,<field name>:Siebel GUI Name>.
For example, suppose that you are creating a Siebel_BCAsset business object, and
you want to add an attribute in the business object as a foreign key to the
Siebel_BCInternalProduct business object. The Product Name field in the
Siebel Asset Mgmt business component is a PickList to the Internal Product
business component, so you add an attribute for the key and another attribute for
the PickList. The attributes might be defined in the business object as shown
[Key Attribute]
Name = Id
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
IsForeignKey = true
AppSpecificInfo = Product Id
[PickList Attribute]
Name = ProductName
Type = string
Cardinality = n
AppSpecificInfo = FN=ProductName;PLK=Id
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects 41
In some cases, PickList values are chosen based on more than one attribute. For
example, where there is more than one Account with the same name, a Contact
retrieve will get the first Account with that name if Account name is set as the
only PickList value. To ensure that the correct data is retrieved, you can restrict the
PickList by more than one field. In the following example, the Contact business
object is restricted by Account, Site and City:
[Key Attribute]
Name = ContactId
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Id
Name = Last_Name
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Last Name
Name = First_Name
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = FN=First Name
Name = Site
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = N/A
Name = City
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = N/A
Name = Account
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Account;PLK=Name;Restrict=Location:Site,City:City
The AppSpecificInfo for restricting PickList fields follows this syntax:
Restrict=<field name>:<Siebel GUI name>,<field name>:<Siebel GUI name>
There is no limit to the number of restricting fields. Do not use spaces between the
attributes after the Restrict parameter. All restricting fields must be added as
attributes to the business object, and should have no AppSpecificInfo. These
attributes serve as place holders for the restricting fields.
On a Retrieve, the application-specific information PLK=Id specifies that the
ProductName attribute corresponds to a PickList business component, and the set
parameter specifies that the value of the Id identifies which record the connector
should pick.
Some PickList relationships require the creation of a picked child, for example, the
PickList relationship between Account and Quote in Siebel_BCQuote. On a Create,
you must create a new Account business component for the PickList with a
containment relationship to the Quote business component as follows:
[Business Object Definition]
Name = Siebel_BCQuote
Version = 7.0.0
Relationship = Containment
AppSpecificInfo = ON=Quote;CN=Quote
Name = Account
42 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Type = String
AppSpecificInfo = FN=AccountId
Name = Account
Type = Siebel_BCAccount
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = 1
IsForeignKey = false
AppSpecificInfo = LFN=Account;PL=true;From=AccountId;To=AccountId
Name = AccountId
IsKey = true
AppSpecificInfo = ...
Note the following business processing tips for PickList attributes:
v On a Retrieve operation, correspond the value of the PickList attribute to the
name of the PickList business component, and correspond the value of the key
attribute to the key.
v On a Create or Update operation, correspond the PickList attribute to the key,
and correspond the key attribute to a null value. Because the PickList link is
defined on the name of a field, the connector could set the key attribute value to
any value, and Siebel does not validate the value. If the PickList attribute
contains the key value, and a pick operation is performed using the PickList
component, validation of the key is performed. If the Pick operation finds the
field, it adds all the attributes in the pick correspondence to the new object, and
the new object is created.
v To remove the link from the PickList, correspond the value for the PickList
attribute to null and correspond the value for the key attribute to blank.
Application-specific information for container attributes
For container attributes, the application-specific information contains the
name-value pairs listed in the following table. The name-value pairs are order
independent and are separated by semicolons.
LFN = ...;
Multi Value Field Name related to the Siebel business
MVL = ...;
When MVL is set to Active, it specifies a one-to-many
relationship. Setting MVL to Inactive indicates that there is an
inactive multi-value link relationship between the parent and
child objects, which means that the parent object does not have
a multi-value field.
PL = ...
When PL is set to True, it indicates that there is a many-to-one
Assoc = ...
When Assoc is set to True, it indicates that a relationship is
many-to-many through an intersection table. When the
relationship is an association between the two business
components, an active multi-value link may or may not exist.
Based on whether or not the multi-value link exists, the
application specific information can contain:
MVL=Active;Assoc=true; If the application specific information
contains only Assoc=true, the default is that there is an active
multi-value link. If you explicitly specify, the application-specific
information will contain: MVL=Active;Assoc=true. If a multi
value link does not exist, the application specific information
will contain: MVL=Inactive;Assoc=true.
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects 43
From = ...; To = ...
These are preprocessing instructions to the connector to set the
To attribute to the value of the From attribute. The From
attribute must be populated, while the True attribute is set only
if it is null. The objects containing the attributes must have a
one-to-one relationship. This is used in a Retrieve operation and
to specify which child record needs to be fetched.
Simple link which provides the master detail view of the
business component structure under a business object. SF
represents the source field.
Simple link which provides the master detail view of the
business component structure under a business object. DF
represents the destination field (foreign key).
Field names for container attributes
If the relationship between the parent and child objects is one-to-many,
application-specific information for a container attribute referencing a child
business object must specify the name of the Multi-Value Field related to the
parent business component. A Multi-Value Field represents the Multi-Value Link
that defines the relationship between the parent and child business components in
Siebel. The application-specific information for this is:
For example, if the Siebel business component Account has a mulit-value field
Street Address in the Siebel application, the corresponding WebSphere business
integration system business object Siebel_BCAccount has a container attribute for
the child business object Siebel_BCBusinessAddress. The application-specific
information for this container attribute specifies Street Address as the Multi-Value
Field that contains the link to the Siebel Business Address business component.
[Example of Container Attribute]
Name = PrimaryAddress
Type = Siebel_BCBusinessAddress
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = n
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
AppSpecificInfo = MVL=Active;LFN=Street Address
Relationships between parent and child business objects
In addition to the field name, the application-specific information for a container
attribute can include a parameter that defines the type of relationship between the
parent and child business components in Siebel.
Setting a relationship type parameter to 0 is not valid. To set a relationship type to
false, do not include the parameter.
As an example, the container attribute for the child business object
Siebel_BCBusinessAddress, shown in the previous section, might include the
parameter to indicate that Street Address is a Multi Value Field that links the
Siebel Account business component to the Siebel Business Address business
[Example of Container Attribute]
Name = PrimaryAddress
Type = Siebel_BCBusinessAddress
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
44 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Cardinality = n
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
AppSpecificInfo = MVL=Active;LFN=Street Address
Another example for the child business object Siebel_BCOpportunity is shown here
which has a many-to-many relationship to Siebel_BCContact or Association. In this
case, on a Create operation, the connector searches for the business component
using the populated fields of the business object in the container. If the connector
finds a matching object, it associates it with the parent business component. If the
object is not found, an error is logged, and the business object request fails.
Name = Siebel_BCContact
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = ON=Contact;CN=Contact
Name = ContactId
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 10
IsKey = true
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Id
Name = ...
Name = ...
Name = Siebel_BCOpportunity
Type = Siebel_BCOpportunity
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = N
MaxLength = 0
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo =LFN=Opportunity;Assoc=true
This example is for a simple link relationship. In this case, there is a simple link
between Quote and Order Entry:
Name = Siebel_BCQuote
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = ON=Quote;CN=Quote
Name = QuoteId
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 10
IsKey = true
IsFireignKey = false
IsRequired - false
AppspecificInfo = FN=Id
Name = ...
Name = ...
Name = Siebel_BCOrderEntry
Type = Siebel_BCOrderEntry
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = N
MaxLength = 0
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects 45
IsKey = true
IsFireignKey = false
IsRequired - false
AppspecificInfo = SF=QuoteId;DF=QuoteId
Assigning the value of an attribute to another attribute
Attribute application-specific information can be coded so that the connector
obtains a value for an attribute and assigns it to another attribute before the
second attribute is processed. This functionality is used in a Retrieve operation and
is primarily used on container attributes to specify which record for the child
should be retrieved.
To use this functionality, edit the attribute application-specific information in the
business object definition to include the following text:
The attribute path value can be an attribute name in the current business object.
Note the following rules:
v The From attribute is an attribute from the parent, and the To attribute is the
child attribute.
v The From attribute must be populated before the to attribute in the instruction
can be processed.
v The To attribute is set only if it has a null value.
v If the path is invalid for the from parameter, the to parameter is set to null. If
the path is invalid for the to parameter, no error is flagged.
v The From/To directive can be specified only in the application-specific
information of an attribute on a child business object. In other words, it cannot
be specified on a top-level business object.
For example, if a Siebel_BCQuote business object includes a child business object
Siebel_BCAccount, attributes in the Siebel_BCQuote object can specify which
address from the PickList is retrieved. In this example, AccountId is the key
attribute, and Siebel_BCAccount is the picked object. The connector gets the value
of the AccountId attribute, and uses that value to retrieve the specific account. The
child attributes are processed after the attributes in the parent business object. The
following example shows the processing flow of attributes from parent to child
business objects.
Name = Account
Type = String
AppSpecificInfo = FN=Id
Name = Account
Type = Siebel_BCAccount
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = 1
IsForeignKey = false
AppSpecificInfo = LFN=Address;PL=true;From=AccountId;To=AccountId
Name = AccountId
IsKey = true
AppSpecificInfo = ...
Specifying pickList relationships
Some PickList relationships require the creation of the picked child object in the
same transaction. In WebSphere business integration system business objects, a
PickList relationship between parent and child business objects is represented by
46 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
two attributes: a key attribute and a single cardinality container attribute for the
picked object. This set of attributes can be used to retrieve some or all of the
attributes of the PickList business component that are not included in the PickList
For example, the Siebel_BCQuote business object might be designed to include two
attributes to specify a PickList relationship between Quote and Opportunity. As
shown below, OpportunityId is the key attribute, and Opportunity is the PickList
Name = Siebel_BCQuote
Version = 1.0.0
AppSpecificInfo = ON=Quote;CN=Quote
Name = ...
Name = ...
Name = OpportunityId
Type = String
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 10
IsKey = false
IsForeignKEy = true
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo = FN= OpportunityId
Name = Siebel_BCOpportunity
Type = Siebel_BCOpportunity
ContainedObjectVersion = 1.0.0
Relationship = Containment
Cardinality = 1
MaxLength = 0
IsKey = false
IsForeignKey = false
IsRequired = false
AppSpecificInfo = LFN=Opportunity;PL=true;From=OpportunityId;To=OpportunityId
In the application-specific information, PL=true indicates that the container
attribute represents a PickList, the From= parameter is the pointer to the key
attribute, and the To= parameter points to the key attribute of the
Siebel_BCOpprotunity business object.
The order of the attributes is significant in a Retrieve operation, because the value
of OpportunityId must be retrieved before it can be defined as the foreign key in
the child object. On a Create or Update operation, the value of OpprotunityId is a
foreign key and is retrieved after the object is created.
It is not necessary to use a complete business object as a PickList container. An
object with only the required keys set is sufficient. The connector uses the
following rules for processing a PickList container:
v If none of the key attributes of the PickList business object are set, a new object
is created in Siebel and picked.
v If any of the key attributes of the PickList business object are set, the connector
searches for the object and picks it. If a PickList object for that business object is
not found, the connector logs an error. An error might occur when the object
keys are not valid.
The following are guidelines for maps for PickList attributes on container business
Chapter 4. Understanding business objects 47
v Mapping of the key attribute when it is a business object request from the
collaboration to the connector should follow the same guidelines for simple
attributes as described above.
v Mapping of the container attribute should be keys only if keys are known.
v If the PickList object will be created, map all the required attributes as specified
for the PickList object.
v On a Delete operation, set the key attribute to a space and the PickList container
attribute to null.
Verb application specific information format
Application-specific information for a business object Retrieve verb can specify that
the connector retrieve a limited number of objects on each retrieve. The
application-specific information to retrieve a subset of objects is max=n. An
example of a Retrieve verb that specifies that only five objects are retrieved is:
[Verb] Name = Retrieve AppSpecificInfo = max=5
For other verbs, the application-specific property is not used and should be left
blank or omitted when creating business object definitions.
Multiple record retrieval
The adapter processes the RetrievebyContent verb similarly to the way it processes
the Retrieve verb, except that it does not check to see that all keys are set on the
inbound IBM business object.
The adapter for Siebel supports wrapper business objects. See“Business object
structure and relationships” on page 37. The adapter can retirieve multiple records
during request processing using the RetrievebyContent verb and a wrapper
business object. For a wrapper business object with a multiple cardinality
container, all matching records are returned. For a single cradinality child, only one
record is processed and MULTIPLE_HITS is returned.
Key attribute for create and update verbs
On a Create or Update request, if the Object Key value is different from RowId, the
Siebel application blanks out the Object Key attribute and creates its own RowId
for that record.
Important: You must use RowId as the key attribute in Create and Update
48 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 5. Creating business objects
Modifying business object samples
Business object samples are provided with the connector component of the adapter.
All objects must have Siebel triggers on them for polling. In some cases, you may
need to customize the object in Siebel Tools. This section describes sample objects
and provides examples of how to customize them.
1. Locate the following Siebel VB files:
Siebel 6
Account_Write.svb, Account_PreDelete.svb, Business_Address_PreDelete.sbv, and
Siebel 7
Account.sbl or Account.js
The Siebel VB files are located in the Common/Siebel/Dependencies/Siebel_VB
2. Save the files in a temporary directory. For example, use Temp as the directory
3. Give the CWCONN account the System Administrator responsibility within
4. In your Siebel Tools environment, check out and lock the Account and Contact
5. Add the VB script to the Account business component as follows:
a. Right-click on the Account business component, and select Edit Basic Scripts
from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the VB code by selecting Import from the File menu, choosing the
Temp directory, and picking Account_Write.svb for import into the Bus
Comp object and BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Import the second VB code by selecting Import from the File menu,
choosing the Temp directory, and picking Account_PreDelete.svb for import
into the Bus Comp object and BusComp_PreDeleteRecord procedure.
d. Save changes to the object.
6. Add the script to the Business Address business component as follows:
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
a. Right-click on the Business Address business component, and select Edit
Basic Scripts from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the VB code by selecting import from the File menu, choosing the
Temp directory, and picking Business_Address_Write.svb, for import into
the Bus Comp object and BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Import the second VB code by selecting import from the File menu,
choosing the Temp directory, and picking Business_Address_PreDelete.svb
for import into the Bus Comp object and BusComp_PreDeleteRecord
d. Save changes to the object.
e. In the Business Address business component for the Account Id attribute,
set the Force Active field to TRUE.
Note: Sometime this field does not get populated because of the view being
7. You will not be able to test the object until you have saved all objects and
compiled the result.
1. Locate the following Siebel VB files:
Siebel 6
Quote_Write.svb, Contact_PreDelete.svb
Siebel 7
Quote.sbl, Quote.js
The Siebel VB files are located in the Common/Siebel/Dependencies/Siebel_VB
2. Save the file in a temporary directory. For example, use Temp as the directory
3. Give the CWCONN account the System Administrator responsibility within
4. In your Siebel Tools environment, check out and lock the Quote project.
5. Add the script to the Quote business component as follows:
a. Right-click on the Quote business component, and select Edit Basic Scripts
from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the VB code by selecting Import from the File menu, choosing the
Temp directory, and picking Quote_Write.svb for import into the Bus Comp
object and the BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Save changes to the object.
6. You will not be able to test the object until you have saved all objects and
compiled the result.
1. Locate the following Siebel VB files:
Siebel 6
Contact_Write.svb, Contact_PreDelete.svb.
Siebel 7
Contact.sbl, Contact.js
The Siebel VB files are located in the Common/Siebel/Dependencies/Siebel_VB
50 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
2. Save the Siebel VB file in a temporary directory. For example, use Temp as the
directory name.
3. Give the CWCONN account the System Administrator responsibility within
4. In your Siebel Tools environment, check out and lock the Contact project.
5. Add the Siebel VB script to the Contact business component as follows:
a. Right-click on the Contact business component, and select Edit BasicScripts
from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the VB code by selecting Import from the File menu, choosing the
Temp directory, and picking Contact_Write.svb for import into the Bus
Comp object and BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Import the second VB code by selecting Import from the File menu,
choosing the Temp directory, and picking Contact_PreDelete.svb for import
into the Bus Comp object and BusComp_PreDeleteRecord procedure.
d. Save changes to the object.
6. You will not be able to test the object until you have saved all objects and
compiled the result.
1. Locate the file InternalProduct_Write.svb. The Siebel VB files are located in
the Common/Siebel/Dependencies/Siebel_VB directory.
2. Save the file in a temporary directory. For example, use Temp as the directory
3. Give the CWCONN account the System Administrator responsibility within
4. In your Siebel Tools environment, check out and lock the Product project.
5. Add the Siebel VB script to the Internal Product business component.
a. Right-click on the Internal Product business component, and select Edit
Basic Scripts from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the VB code by selecting Import from the File menu, choosing the
Temp directory, and picking InternalProduct_Write.svb for import into the
Bus Comp object and BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Save changes to the object.
6. Change the business component properties as follows:
a. In the tool bar, select View > Property Window.
b. Go to Business Component/Internal Product.
c. Change the following attributes to False:
No Insert = False
No Merge = False
No Update = False
Note: The purpose of changing the above properties is to allow Com Data
Server Interface to create and update products inbound to Siebel.
7. You will not be able to test the object until you have saved all objects and
compiled the result.
1. Locate the Siebel VB file Asset_Write.svb. The Siebel VB files are located in the
Common/Siebel/Dependencies/Siebel_VB directory.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 51
2. Save the Siebel VB file in a temporary directory. For example, use Temp as the
directory name.
3. Give the CWCONN account the System Administrator responsibility within
4. In your Siebel Tools environment, check out and lock the Asset Management
5. Add the Siebel VB script to the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component as
a. Right-click on the Asset Mgmt - Asset business component, and select the
Edit Basic Scripts from the menu. This launches the script editor.
b. Import the Write VB code by selecting Import from the File menu, choosing
the Temp directory, and picking Asset_Write.svb into Bus Comp object and
BusComp_WriteRecord procedure.
c. Save changes to the object.
6. Change the business component properties as follows:
a. In the tool bar, select View > Property Windows.
b. Go to Business Component/Asset Mgmt - Asset.
c. Go to fields.
d. Change the field property values as follows:
v Select Account Id and set the value for Inactive to False. (This field is
required in the WebSphere business integration system object.)
v Select Name and set the value to Not Required.
v Select Product Id and set the value to Required.
Note: WebSphere business integration components track the Products by
their Product Id and not their Name.
7. You will not be able to test the object until you have saved all objects and
compiled the result.
Overview of Siebel ODA
This section describes SiebelODA, an object discovery agent (ODA) that generates
business object definitions for the connector. SiebelODA uses the Siebel Java APIs
to get the information about the Siebel business objects and business components
from the Siebel application server. It then uses this information to build new
business object definitions. SiebelODA also enables the conversion of existing
business object definitions to those which are supported by the connector.
Installing and using Siebel ODA
This section discusses the following:
Installing SiebelODA
To install SiebelODA, use the WebSphere Business Integration Adapter Installer.
Follow the instructions in the System Installation Guide for UNIX or for Windows.
52 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
When the installation is complete, the following files are installed in the directory
on your system where you have installed the product:
v ODA\Siebel\SiebelODA.jar
v ODA\messages\SiebelODAAgent.xsd
v ODA\Siebel\start_SiebelODA.bat (Windows only)
v ODA/Siebel/ (UNIX only)
v bin\CWODAEnv.bat (Windows only)
v bin/ (UNIX only)
Note: If ICS is your broker, CWODAEnv.bat must be modified to reflect the version
of ICS. For ICS version 4.2.x, change CWVERSION to 4.2. For ICS version 4.1.1,
change CWVERSION to 4.1.
Note: Except as otherwise noted, this document uses backslashes (\) as the
convention for directory paths. For UNIX installations, substitute slashes (/)
for backslashes. All IBM product pathnames are relative to the directory
where the product is installed on your system.
Before using SiebelODA
Before you can run SiebelODA, you must copy the required Siebel application’s .jar
files to the %ProductDir%/connectors/Siebel/dependencies directory. The following
files must be copied to this directory:
Siebel 7.7
Siebel 7.x
The default version of Siebel is set to 7.x. Ensure that the REM in the following
line is not removed:
Siebel 6.2.x
You must edit the start_SiebelODA.bat file to remove the REM in the line:
After installing the SiebelODA, you must do the following to generate business
1. Start the ODA.
2. Start Business Object Designer.
3. Follow a six-step process in Business Object Designer to configure and run the
The following sections describe these steps in detail.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 53
Understanding datatype mapping
The following table lists the Siebel application datatypes and their corresponding
WBI business object definition datatypes. These are used by the WBI Adapter for
Siebel ODA only; the application regards all attribute values as strings.
Table 7. Siebel application and WBI Adapter datatypes
Siebel datatype
WBI Adapter for Siebel datatype
The following datatype mappings are used when you create business object definitions
using the Business Services option.
Container or String, depending on the
populated content, if any, of the
Integration Object field.
Integration object
Container or String, depending on the
populated content, if any, of the
Integration Object field.
Launching the SiebelODA
You can launch SiebelODA with the startup script appropriate for your operating
Note: The Windows Installer provides shortcuts to startup the ODAs it installs. If
you have used this Installer to install SiebelODA, you will find a shortcut to
start it under the menu Programs > IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters > Adapters > Object Discovery Agents.
54 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
You configure and run SiebelODA using Business Object Designer. Business Object
Wizard, which Business Object Designer starts, locates each ODA by the name
specified in the AGENTNAME variable of each script or batch file. The default ODA
name for this connector is SeibelODA.
Running SiebelODA on multiple machines
You can run multiple instances of the ODA, either on the local host or a remote
host in the network. Each instance runs on a unique port.
Working with error and trace message files
Error and trace message files (the default is SiebelODAAgent.txt) are located in the
\ODA\messages, subdirectory under the product directory. These files use the
following naming convention:
If you create multiple instances of the ODA script or batch file and provide a
unique name for each represented ODA, you can have a message file for each
ODA instance. Alternatively, you can have differently named ODAs use the same
message file. There are two ways to specify a valid message file:
v If you change the name of an ODA and do not create a message file for it, you
must change the name of the message file in Business Object Designer as part of
ODA configuration. Business Object Designer provides a name for the message
file but does not actually create the file. If the file displayed as part of ODA
configuration does not exist, change the value to point to an existing file.
v You can copy the existing message file for a specific ODA, and modify it as
required. Business Object Designer assumes you name each file according to the
naming convention. For example, if the AGENTNAME variable specifies
SiebelODA1, the tool assumes that the name of the associated message file is
SiebelODA1Agent.txt. Therefore, when Business Object Designer provides the file
name for verification as part of ODA configuration, the file name is based on the
ODA name. Verify that the default message file is named correctly, and correct it
as necessary.
Important: Failing to correctly specify the message file’s name when you configure
the ODA causes it to run without messages. For more information on
During the configuration process, you specify:
v The name of the file into which SiebelODA writes error and trace information
v The level of tracing, which ranges from 0 to 5.
Table 8. Tracing levels
Trace Level
Logs all errors
Traces all entering and exiting messages for method
Traces the ODA’s properties and their values
Traces the names of all business objects
Traces details of all spawned threads
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 55
Table 8. Tracing levels (continued)
v Indicates the ODA initialization values for all of its properties v Traces a
detailed status of each thread that SiebelODA spawned v Traces the
business object definition dump
Using SiebelODA in Business Object Designer
This section describes how to use Business Object Designer to generate business
object definitions using SiebelODA. For information on launching Business Object
Designer, see the Business Object Development Guide. Business Object Designer
provides a wizard, called Business Object Wizard, that guides you through each of
these steps. After you launch an ODA, you must launch Business Object Designer
to obtain access to Business Object Wizard (which configures and runs the ODA).
There are six steps in Business Object Wizard to generate business object
definitions using an ODA.
After starting the ODA, do the following to start the wizard:
1. Open Business Object Designer.
2. From the File menu, select the New Using ODA... submenu.
Business Object Wizard displays the first window in the wizard, named Select
To select, configure, and run the ODA, follow these steps:
Select the ODA
Figure 2 on page 57 illustrates the first dialog box in Business Object Wizard’s
six-step wizard. From this window, select the ODA to run.
56 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Figure 2. Business Object Wizard, Select ODA screen
To select the ODA:
1. Click the Find Agents button to display all registered or currently running
ODAs in the Located agents field. Alternatively, you can find the ODA using its
host name and port number.
Note: If Business Object Wizard does not locate your desired ODA, check the
setup of the ODA.
2. Select the desired ODA from the displayed list.
Business Object Wizard displays your selection in the Agent’s name field.
3. Click Next.
Specify configuration properties
The first time Business Object Wizard communicates with SiebelODA, it prompts
you to enter a set of ODA configuration properties as shown in Figure 4.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 57
Figure 3. Business Object Wizard, Configure Agent screen
Table 9. SiebelODA configuration properties
Property name
Property type
SiebelConnection String
Siebel application login name
Siebel application password
Connect string to log into the Siebel application.
For Siebel 7.x:
For Siebel 7.5:
For Siebel 7.7:
Language version
Language version. For example, use ENU for English.
Prefix that the ODA applies to the name of each business
object definition for the Siebel document. If you do not
specify a business-object prefix, the ODA does not prepend
any string to the name of the business object definition.
The absolute path containing the files with previous
versions of business object definitions. For example, in
UNIX, the path is /home/SiebelBos, and in Windows, the
path is C:\SiebelBos.
The name of the Siebel repository in the Siebel application.
Identifies the Siebel Application version. For Siebel version
6.x, this property must be set to 6.x. For Siebel version 7.x,
do not set.
58 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 9. SiebelODA configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Property type
Full pathname of the file into which SiebelODA writes
trace information. If the file does not exist, SiebelODA
creates it in the specified directory. If the file already
exists, SiebelODA appends to it.
By default, SiebelODA creates a trace file named
SiebelODAtrace.txt in the ODA\Siebel subdirectory of the
product directory.
Use this property to specify a different name for the trace
Level of tracing enabled for SiebelODA. Valid values are
zero through five (0-5). Property defaults to a value of 5
Full pathname of the error and message file. By default,
SiebelODA creates a message and error file named
Important: The error and message file must be located in
the ODA\messages subdirectory of the product directory.
Use this property to verify or specify an existing file.
Important: Correct the name of the message file if the default value displayed in
Business Object Designer represents a non-existent file. If the name is
not correct when you move forward from this dialog box, Business
Object Designer displays an error message in the window from which
the ODA was launched. This message does not pop up in Business
Object Designer. Failing to specify a valid message file causes the ODA
to run without messages.
You can save these properties in a named profile so that you do not need to
re-enter them each time you use SiebelODA. For information on specifying an
ODA profile, see the Business Object Development Guide.
Selecting the source
After you configure all initialization properties for SiebelODA, the Select Source
screen appears (see Figure 4 on page 60).
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 59
Figure 4. Business Object Wizard, Select Source screen
This screen has two expandable options, Convert and Generate. If you need to
convert old business objects into new ones, expand Convert. This displays the
Figure 5. Business Object Wizard, screen displaying business objects to be converted
60 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
If you need to generate new business objects, expand Generate. From there, you
have three expandable options: Business objects, Integration objects, and
Application services. For examples of these options expanded, see Figure 6,
you can select a business component for that object. Similarly, when you expand
an integration object, you can select an integration component for that object.
When you expand an application service, however, a corresponding integration
object is already selected.
Note: If an integration component is listed in both the Application Services and
Integraion Object options, that integraion object can be generated only by
using Application Services.
Note: When you generate an integration objects, all of the components listed for
that object are generated.
Figure 6. Business Object Wizard, displaying Business Objects expanded
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 61
Figure 9. Business Object Wizard, displaying Business Services
Confirm selection of objects
After you identify all the Siebel elements to be associated with the generated
business object definitions, Business Object Designer displays the dialog box with
dialog box.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 63
Figure 10. Business Object Wizard, confirming selecting of objects and components
This window provides the following options:
v To confirm the selection, click Next.
v If the selection is not correct, click Back to return to the previous window and
make the necessary changes. When the selection is correct, click Next.
Generate the business object definition
After you confirm the Siebel elements, the next dialog box informs you that
Business Object Designer is generating the business object definition. If a large
number of Component Interfaces has been selected, this generation step can take
Figure 11 on page 65 illustrates this dialog box.
64 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Figure 11. Generating the business object definitions
Provide additional information
Because SiebelODA needs additional information about the verbs, Business Object
Designer displays the BO Properties window for each of the generation types you
chose (business objects, integration objects, and application services), which
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 65
Figure 14. Providing additional information for application service
Figure 15. Providing additional information for a custom-written business service
In the BO Properties window, enter or change the verb information. Click in the
Value field and select one or more verbs from the pop-up menu. These are the
verbs supported by the business object.
Note: If a field in the BO Properties dialog box has multiple values, the field
appears to be empty when the dialog box first displays. Click in the field to
display a drop-down list of its values.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 67
Save the business object definition
After you provide all required information in the BO Properties dialog box and
click OK, Business Object Designer displays the final dialog box in the wizard. In
this dialog box, you can take any of the following actions:
v Save the business object definition to the server (if InterChange Server is the
integration broker).
v Save the business object definition to a file (for any integration broker).
v Open the business object definition for editing in Business Object Designer.
For more information, and to make further modifications, see the Business Object
Development Guide.
Figure 16 illustrates this dialog box.
Figure 16. Saving the business object definition
Reviewing the generated definition
The business object definition that SiebelODA generates contains:
v An attribute for each column in the specified Siebel objects
v The verbs specified in the BO Properties window
v Application-specific information:
– At the business-object level
– For each attribute
– For each verb
Note: When the SiebelODA generates business objects for Siebel business objects
or components, the application-specific information may or may not be
generated correctly for container attributes. You must check the generated
68 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
business objects to see if they contain the correct application-specific
information, and correct the information if necessary.
When the SiebelODA generates business objects for Siebel integration objects
or components, or business services, the generated business object does
contain application-specific information for all attributes, including container
This section describes:
Business-object-level properties
SiebelODA generates the following information at the business-object level:
v Name of the business object
v Version—defaults to 1.0.0
v Application-specific information
Application-specific information at the business-object level contains the name of
the corresponding Siebel business object or business component.
Attribute properties
This section describes the properties that SiebelODA generates for each attribute.
Important: Any user edits described in the following sections refer to business
object generation only, not to business object conversion.
Name property
SiebelODA obtains the value of the attribute’s name from the corresponding
attribute in the Siebel business component.
Data type property
When setting the type of an attribute, SiebelODA converts the data type of the
attribute in the Siebel business component and converts it to the corresponding
generation, since business object conversion is for existing business objects.
Table 10. Correspondence of data types
WebSphere business
integration system
Length of corresponding attribute
in the Siebel application server
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 69
Table 10. Correspondence of data types (continued)
skips the column and displays a message stating that the column cannot be
Cardinality property
SiebelODA sets the cardinality of all simple attributes to 1 and the container
attributes to n. The user should change the cardinality of the container attributes
wherever it is needed. For example, if the container attribute turns out to be a
PickList, the user needs to set the cardinality to 1.
MaxLength property
SiebelODA obtains the length of the attribute from the Siebel application server.
IsKey property
If the column is a primary key in the table or view, SiebelODA marks it as a key
attribute. In the case of business object generation, the Id attribute is the only one
marked as key by default.
IsRequired property
If a field is designated not null in the table or view, SiebelODA marks it as a
required attribute. However, SiebelODA does not mark the key field as required
because the Siebel application generates its own Id values while creating a record.
AppSpecificInfo Property
The user should edit this property if container attributes have not been generated
and ensure the correctness if container attributes have been generated.
Number of rows in the database table that the connector retrieves per polling
interval. Allowable values are 1 to 500.
The default is 1.
SiebelODA generates the verbs specified in the BO Properties window. It creates an
AppSpecificInfo property for each verb but does not populate it.
Adding information to the business object definition
Since Siebel business objects and business components may not have all the
information that a business objects requires, it may be necessary to add
information to the business object definition that SiebelODA creates, especially
when generating new business objects.
To examine the business object definition or reload a revised definition into the
repository, use Business Object Designer. Alternatively, if ICS is the integration
broker, you can use the repos_copy command to load the definition into the
repository; if WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker is the integration broker, you can
use a system command to copy the file into the repository directory.
70 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Note: Because the calculated fields in Siebel Application do not correspond to a
column, they are not being generated by the ODA. These fields can be
manually added to the Business Object Definition.
Chapter 5. Creating business objects 71
72 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 6. Using the adapter with Siebel business services
Note: This chapter may include references to Event and Archive business
components, business objects, and tables. These references are synonymous
with references to CW Event and CW Archive that appear in earlier
versions, and with references to IBM Event and IBM Archive that appear in
Siebel 7.5
Understanding business services
This section explains what a business service is and describes how to create
business objects that support business services. The following topics are covered:
Description of business services
A Siebel business service is an entity in Siebel that encapsulates and simplifies the
use of some sets of functionality, such as moving and converting data formats
between the Siebel application and external applications. Siebel business
components and business objects are objects that are typically tied to specific data
and tables in the Siebel data model. Siebel business services, on the other hand, are
not tied to specific objects, but rather operate on objects to achieve a particular
The adapter supports EAI Siebel Adapter, a generic business service provided by
Siebel; Siebel-defined Application Service Interface (ASI); and custom-written
business services.
EAI Siebel Adapter and ASIs are treated similarly with respect to IBM business
objects. They implement similar methods that are used as verbs for processing the
IBM business objects. EAI Siebel Adapter can take any integration object that is
based on a Siebel business object. The IBM WebSphere Business Integration
adapter for Siebel therefore supports EAI Siebel Adapter by representing an
integration object with an IBM business object. Similarly, the adapter supports
Siebel ASIs by representing the integration objects implementing them with an IBM
business object.
Custom-written business objects are treated differently. Because they can
implement any method, the IBM business object represents the service itself, not an
integration object. For more information, see “Custom business service support” on
EAI Siebel Adapter and ASIs can be treated by the adapter as custom-written
business services, and IBM business objects can be created to directly represent
these services, although this is not recommended. See Chapter 5, “Creating
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Note: The adapter distinguishes between IBM objects representing business objects
to Siebel, and IBM business objects representing Siebel integration objects by
Processing business objects that support business services
The adapter constructs the property set for the incoming business object, which is
the representation of the integration object. The following example describes how
the adapter constructs the property set out of the IBM business object representing
the integration object.
v instantiates a new property set for type Siebel Message
v property set type is set as SiebelMessage and properties such as IntObject
Format = Siebel Hierarchy, MessageType = Integration Object, MessageId = ″″
v IntObjectName is obtained from the business object application specific
v a new property set is instantiated for the Parent Component
v type of the property set is set as ListOf<Parent componet name>
v <Parent componet name> can be obtained from the application specific
v instantiate a new property set for type <Parent Component>
v set type as <parent object type>
v set different properties
v do the same for child components
Example: Siebel Integration object
Account (PRM ANI) (Integration object)
+Account (Integration component)
+Business address (Integration component)
Example: IBM business object representing Siebel integration object
Siebel <IntObjectName> (ParentIntegrationComponent)
Attribute1 FN=<fieldname>
Attribute2 FN=<fieldname>
Attribute3 FN=<fieldname>
childAttribute1 FN=<fieldname>
childAttribute2 FN=<fieldname>
Object level ASI for the Parent Integration Component would be
For the Child Integration Component, it would be IO=<Name>;IC=<Name>
The following tables describe the Business object level application text and the
Simple attribute level application text used when creating integration objects.
Table 11. Business object level application text
The name of the Siebel integration object corresponding to
this business object.
74 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 11. Business object level application text (continued)
The name of the Siebel integration component
corresponding to this business object.
The name of the business service used by this business
object. When using application specific information, such
as Siebel Account or Siebel Contact, the specific business
service must be present. When using other integration
objects, the Siebel Enterprise Applications Integration
(EAI) must be present.
(Deprecated) When a business object represents the ASI
integration object, it contains SiebASI=true.
The current version of the adapter and ODA instead use
the BSTYPE application-specific information tag.
Determines the type of business service.
v For EAI Siebel Adapter, where the IBM business object
represents the Siebel integration object, the
application-specific information should contain
v For Siebel ASIs, where the IBM business object
represents the Siebel integration object, the
application-specific information should contain
v For custom-written business services, where the IBM
business object represents the service, the
application-specific information should contain
Table 12. Simple attribute level application text
The field name of the field in the Siebel integration
component corresponding to this attribute
Verb processing with business services
The following verbs are supported by business services.
Table 13. Verbs supported by business services
Parent object keys are used to delete the Siebel object.
The adapter verifies that all primary keys are present.
The complete incoming business object is used for the
Insert verb.
InsertOrUpdate (Upsert)
If an object with the same keys as the input object exists,
merge the specified input object with the existing object.
Otherwise, create a new object in Siebel based on the
input object.
The adapter verifies the existence of all the primary keys
before processing the object.
Chapter 6. Using the adapter with Siebel business services 75
Table 13. Verbs supported by business services (continued)
Verb Description
QueryByExample (or Query in the Queries for objects based on the example object
case of EAI Siebel Adapter)
provided. This operation can be treated as a Retrieve by
content operations.
If the object with the keys exists, it is queried or
retrieved. These operations can be treated as Retrieve
If an object with the same keys as the input object exists,
merge the specified input object with the existing object.
Otherwise, error out.
If an object with the same keys as the input object exists,
make it look like the input object. Otherwise, create a
new object in Siebel based on the input object.
The following example describes a process flow for using any of the verbs in
Verbs of the IBM business object represent the Methods of the business service.
Verb Processing:
v Get the business service name
v construct the property set based on the input
v invoke the verb on the specified business service passing in the input property
set, then
v construct the business object from the output property set
Events detection with business services
The scripts for triggers remain the same when using business services, except that
the name of the business object and the verb change. The triggers should be
written on the business object on which the integration object is based. The trigger
should populate the new verb and the corresponding business object to the
integration object when creating an event.
Because the adapter overrides the default getBO() method, the verb
RetrieveByContent must be set before calling the doVerbFor method. In this
scenario, if the business object is an integration object, the verb QueryByExample
will be set, whereas if the business object is an application-specific interface, the
verb Query will be set. The corresponding method for QueryByExample (which is
equivalent to RetrieveByContent in the generic business service, EAI Siebel
Adapter), is Query.
Events detection with business services only supports EAI Siebel Adapter and
Application Services Interfaces. It can handle only one integration instance.
Custom business service support
When processing IBM business objects that correspond to Siebel custom business
services, the adapter checks for application specific information. If BSTYPE=Custom is
found, it gets the Request business object under the top level business object.
When the adapter builds the property set that corresponds to the incoming
business service, the simple attributes of the Request business object provide the
76 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
properties. If present, the SiebelMessage container attribute provides the
integration object. The adapter can process the business object with or without the
existence of the SiebelMessage container attribute. The adapter does the following:
1. Instantiates a new property set
2. Sets the simple attribute vales as the properties of the new property set
3. Takes the Siebel Message object, if present, as the child property set
When the business service method is executed, the OutputPropertySet is obtained
and populates the Response business object.
IBM business object corresponding to a business service:
The different methods provided on the business service serve as verbs for
processing the business object.
The business object will be determined by each method/operation, and
inputs/outputs will vary.
IBM business object corresponding to an integration object:
Siebel_<IntObjectName> (Parent IntegrationComponent)
Chapter 6. Using the adapter with Siebel business services 77
78 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 7. Running the connector
Starting the connector
A connector must be explicitly started using its connector start-up script. On
Windows systems the startup script should reside in the connector’s runtime
where connName identifies the connector.
On UNIX systems the startup script should reside in the ProductDir/bin directory.
The name of the startup script depends on the operating-system platform, as
Table 14. Startup scripts for a connector
Operating system
Startup script
UNIX-based systems
When the startup script runs, it expects by default to find the configuration file in
the Productdir (see the commands below). This is where you place your
configuration file.
Note: You need a local configuration file if the adapter is using JMS transport.
You can invoke the connector startup script in any of the following ways:
v On Windows systems, from the Start menu
Select Programs>IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters>Adapters>Connectors. By default, the program name is “IBM
WebSphere Business Integration Adapters”. However, it can be customized.
Alternatively, you can create a desktop shortcut to your connector.
v From the command line
– On Windows systems:
start_connName connName brokerName [-cconfigFile ]
– On UNIX-based systems:
connector_manager -start connName brokerName [-cconfigFile ]
where connName is the name of the connector and brokerName identifies your
integration broker, as follows:
– For WebSphere InterChange Server, specify for brokerName the name of the
ICS instance.
– For WebSphere message brokers (WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ
Integrator Broker, or WebSphere Business Integration Message Broker) or
WebSphere Application Server, specify for brokerName a string that identifies
the broker.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Note: For a WebSphere message broker or WebSphere Application Server on a
Windows system, you must include the -c option followed by the name of
the connector configuration file. For ICS, the -c is optional.
v From Adapter Monitor (available only when the broker is WebSphere
Application Server or InterChange Server), which is launched when you start
System Manager
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v From System Manager (available for all brokers)
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v On Windows systems, you can configure the connector to start as a Windows
service. In this case, the connector starts when the Windows system boots (for an
Auto service) or when you start the service through the Windows Services
window (for a Manual service).
For more information on how to start a connector, including the command-line
startup options, refer to one of the following documents:
v For WebSphere InterChange Server, refer to the System Administration Guide.
v For WebSphere message brokers, refer to Implementing Adapters with WebSphere
Message Brokers.
v For WebSphere Application Server, refer to Implementing Adapters with WebSphere
Application Server.
Stopping the connector
The way to stop a connector depends on the way that the connector was started,
as follows:
v If you started the connector from the command line, with its connector startup
– On Windows systems, invoking the startup script creates a separate “console”
window for the connector. In this window, type “Q” and press Enter to stop
the connector.
– On UNIX-based systems, connectors run in the background so they have no
separate window. Instead, run the following command to stop the connector:
connector_manager_connName -stop
where connName is the name of the connector.
v From Adapter Monitor (WebSphere Business Integration Adapters product only),
which is launched when you start System Manager
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v From System Monitor (WebSphere InterChange Server product only)
You can load, activate, deactivate, pause, shutdown or delete a connector using
this tool.
v On Windows systems, you can configure the connector to start as a Windows
service. In this case, the connector stops when the Windows system shuts down.
80 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Chapter 8. Troubleshooting
This chapter describes error messages that you may encounter when running the
connector and possible fixes for those errors.
When running the connector on UNIX, you may receive the following error
Using default value UNLIMITED for configuration parameter MAX_LOG_FILE_SIZE
in subsystem LOGGING.
This error message may result from the following conditions:
v The OS agent is not running.
v Incorrect information in the InterchangeSystem.cfg file.
v Incompatible connector and InterChange Server versions.
Decreasing the size of the Siebel log file
Seibel JAVABean allows you to change the logging timeout value.
To reset the logging timeout value in Siebel JAVABean:
1. Select Site Map > Server Admin > Components (Sales Object Manager).
2. In the lower applet, go to Component Parameter and enter a timeout value.
Note: The Request Timeout current value is set to 600. This means that the
connector will die after ten minutes. Based on Siebel, you can change
this value to be as large as you want.
Memory limitations with result set support
When result set support is being used on DB2, The adapter has a JVM memory
restriction of 2GB for J2SE JRE 1.4.1, version SR2, that is provided with the adapter.
To enable the result set process to utilize the 2GB memory, your environment must
use hardware that facilitates efficient memory utilization without excessive paging.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
82 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors
This appendix describes the standard configuration properties for the connector
component of WebSphere Business Integration adapters. The information covers
connectors running with the following integration brokers:
v WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS)
v WebSphere MQ Integrator, WebSphere MQ Integrator Broker, and WebSphere
Business Integration Message Broker, collectively referred to as the WebSphere
Message Brokers (and shown as WMQI in the Connector Configurator).
v Information Integrator (II)
v WebSphere Application Server (WAS)
If your adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator, use the WMQI options and
The properties you set for the adapter depend on which integration broker you
use. You choose the integration broker using Connector Configurator. After you
choose the broker, Connector Configurator lists the standard properties you must
configure for the adapter.
For information about properties specific to this connector, see the relevant section
in this guide.
New properties
These standard properties have been added in this release:
v AdapterHelpName
v BiDi.Application
v BiDi.Broker
v BiDi.Metadata
v BiDi.Transformation
v CommonEventInfrastructure
v CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL
v ControllerEventSequencing
v jms.ListenerConcurrency
v jms.TransportOptimized
v ResultsSetEnabled
v ResultsSetSize
v TivoliTransactionMonitorPerformance
Standard connector properties overview
Connectors have two types of configuration properties:
v Standard configuration properties, which are used by the framework
v Application, or connector-specific, configuration properties, which are used by
the agent
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
These properties determine the adapter framework and the agent run-time
This section describes how to start Connector Configurator and describes
characteristics common to all properties. For information on configuration
properties specific to a connector, see its adapter user guide.
Starting Connector Configurator
You configure connector properties from Connector Configurator, which you access
from System Manager. For more information on using Connector Configurator,
refer to the sections on Connector Configurator in this guide.
Connector Configurator and System Manager run only on the Windows system. If
you are running the connector on a UNIX system, you must have a Windows
machine with these tools installed.
To set connector properties for a connector that runs on UNIX, you must start up
System Manager on the Windows machine, connect to the UNIX integration broker,
and bring up Connector Configurator for the connector.
Configuration property values overview
The connector uses the following order to determine a property’s value:
1. Default
2. Repository (valid only if WebSphere InterChange Server (ICS) is the integration
3. Local configuration file
4. Command line
The default length of a property field is 255 characters. There is no limit on the
length of a STRING property type. The length of an INTEGER type is determined
by the server on which the adapter is running.
A connector obtains its configuration values at startup. If you change the value of
one or more connector properties during a run-time session, the property’s update
method determines how the change takes effect.
The update characteristics of a property, that is, how and when a change to the
connector properties takes effect, depend on the nature of the property.
There are four update methods for standard connector properties:
v Dynamic
The new value takes effect immediately after the change is saved in System
Manager. However, if the connector is in stand-alone mode (independently of
System Manager), for example, if it is running with one of the WebSphere
message brokers, you can change properties only through the configuration file.
In this case, a dynamic update is not possible.
v Agent restart (ICS only)
The new value takes effect only after you stop and restart the connector agent.
v Component restart
The new value takes effect only after the connector is stopped and then restarted
in System Manager. You do not need to stop and restart the agent or the server
84 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
v System restart
The new value takes effect only after you stop and restart the connector agent
and the server.
To determine how a specific property is updated, refer to the Update Method
column in the Connector Configurator window, or see the Update Method column
There are three locations in which a standard property can reside. Some properties
can reside in more than one location.
v ReposController
The property resides in the connector controller and is effective only there. If
you change the value on the agent side, it does not affect the controller.
v ReposAgent
The property resides in the agent and is effective only there. A local
configuration can override this value, depending on the property.
v LocalConfig
The property resides in the configuration file for the connector and can act only
through the configuration file. The controller cannot change the value of the
property, and is not aware of changes made to the configuration file unless the
system is redeployed to update the controller explicitly.
Standard properties quick-reference
properties. Not all connectors require all of these properties, and property settings
may differ from integration broker to integration broker.
See the section following the table for a description of each property.
<REMOTE>” indicates that the broker is InterChange Server. When the
broker is WMQI or WAS, the repository directory is set to
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties
Property name
Possible values
Default value
One of the valid
subdirectories in
\App\Help\ that
contains a valid
Template name, if valid, Component
Supported regional
or blank field
Include chs_chn,
cht_twn, deu_deu,
esn_esp, fra_fra,
ita_ita, jpn_jpn,
kor_kor, ptb_bra,
and enu_usa (default).
Valid JMS queue name
This property is valid
only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS
Valid JMS queue name
This property is valid
only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 85
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
1 through 4
This property is valid
only when the value
of DeliveryTransport
is MQ or IDL, the value
of Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
0 through 5
if broker is
Application name
The value specified for
the connector
application name
Any valid combination
of these bidirectional
ILYNN (five letters)
ILYNN (five letters)
ILYNN (five letters)
This property is valid
only if the value
of BiDi.Transforma tion
is true
1st letter: I,V
2nd letter: L,R
3rd letter: Y, N
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
Any valid combination
of these bidirectional
This property is valid
only if the value of
is true. If the value of
BrokerType is
1st letter: I,V
ICS, the property
is read-only.
2nd letter: L,R
3rd letter: Y, N
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
Any valid combination
of these bidirectional
This property is valid
only if the value of
is true.
1st letter: I,V
2nd letter: L,R
3rd letter: Y, N
4th letter: S, N
5th letter: H, C, N
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
BrokerType is
not WAS
Any supported code.
The list shows this subset:
ascii7, ascii8, SJIS,
Cp949, GBK, Big5,
Cp297, Cp273, Cp280,
Cp284, Cp037, Cp437
This property is valid
only for C++ connectors.
86 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
true or false
A URL string, for
No default value.
This property is valid
only if the value of
Infrastructure is true.
1 through 32,767
This property is valid
only if the value of
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Blank or JMS
true or false
This property is valid
only when the value
of Delivery Transport
is JMS.
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
true or false
0 through 5
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
This property is valid
only if the value of
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Any valid JMS
queue name
This property is valid
only when the value
of Delivery Transport
is JMS.
IDL when the value of
RepositoryDirectory is
<REMOTE>, otherwise
If the value of
RepositoryDirectory is
not <REMOTE>,
the only valid value for
this property is JMS.
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is JMS.
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Any valid queue name.
This property is
valid only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
or any Java class name
This property is
valid only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 87
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
1 through 32767
This property is
valid only if the value of
is true.
If the value of
is IBM, use
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS
Positive integer
Any valid password
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Any valid name
This property is valid
only if the value of
Delivery Transport is JMS.
Heap size in megabytes
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Size of stack in kilobytes
Heap size in megabytes
1 through 100
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
This property is valid
only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is MQ.
This is a subset of the
supported locales:
en_US, ja_JP, ko_KR,
zh_CN, zh_TW, fr_FR,
de_DE, it_IT,
es_ES, pt_BR
88 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
1 through 2147483647
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
Valid file name
Any valid queue name
This property is valid
only if the value of
is true and
has no value.
true or false
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
A positive integer
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
A positive integer
in minutes
This property is valid
only if the value of
Repository Directory
is set to <REMOTE>
and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
HH = 0 through 23
MM = 0 through 59
A positive integer
(in milliseconds)
if broker is
1 through 500
Agent restart
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS.
HH = 0 through 23
MM = 0 through 59
<REMOTE> if the broker For ICS, the value is set Agent restart
is ICS; otherwise any
valid local directory.
For WMQI and WAS,
the value is
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 89
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
Valid JMS queue name
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS
Valid JMS queue name
This property is valid
only if the value of
DeliveryTransport is JMS.
0 through 99
if ICS;
A value in minutes
from 1 through
if ICS;
true or false
Used only by connectors
that support DB2II.
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS, and the value of
BrokerType is WMQI.
Positive integer
0 (means the results
set size is unlimited)
Used only by connectors
that support DB2II.
This property is valid
only if the value of
is true.
mrm or xml
This property is valid
only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS and the value of
WireFormat is CwXML.
Any valid WebSphere
MQ queue name
Agent restart
This property is valid
only if the value of
is JMS.
Any valid queue name.
This property is valid
only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
0 to any number
This property is valid
only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
Any valid queue name
This property is valid
only if the value
of DeliveryTransport
is JMS.
true or false
90 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 15. Summary of standard configuration properties (continued)
Property name
Possible values
Default value
Agent restart
The value of this
property must be CwXML
if the value
of RepositoryDirectory
is not set to <REMOTE>.
The value must
be CwBO if the value of
RepositoryDirectory is set
to <REMOTE>.
0 to any number
This property is valid
only if the value of
BrokerType is WAS.
short or long
Agent restart
This property is valid
only if the value of
BrokerType is
Standard properties
This section describes the standard connector configuration properties.
The AdapterHelpName property is the name of a directory in which
connector-specific extended help files are located. The directory must be located in
<ProductDir>\bin\Data\App\Help and must contain at least the language
directory enu_usa. It may contain other directories according to locale.
The default value is the template name if it is valid, or it is blank.
The AdminInQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the integration
broker to send administrative messages to the connector.
The AdminOutQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the connector to
send administrative messages to the integration broker.
The AgentConnections property controls the number of ORB (Object Request
Broker) connections opened when the ORB initializes.
It is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory is set to <REMOTE> and the
value of the DeliveryTransport property is MQ or IDL.
The default value of this property is 1.
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 91
The AgentTraceLevel property sets the level of trace messages for the
application-specific component. The connector delivers all trace messages
applicable at the tracing level set and lower.
The default value is 0.
The ApplicationName property uniquely identifies the name of the connector
application. This name is used by the system administrator to monitor the
integration environment. This property must have a value before you can run the
The default is the name of the connector.
The BiDi.Application property specifies the bidirectional format for data coming
from an external application into the adapter in the form of any business object
supported by this adapter. The property defines the bidirectional attributes of the
application data. These attributes are:
v Type of text: implicit or visual (I or V)
v Text direction: left-to-right or right-to-left (L or R)
v Symmetric swapping: on or off (Y or N)
v Shaping (Arabic): on or off (S or N)
v Numerical shaping (Arabic): Hindi, contextual, or nominal (H, C, or N)
This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.
The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).
The BiDi.Broker property specifies the bidirectional format for data sent from the
adapter to the integration broker in the form of any supported business object. It
defines the bidirectional attributes of the data, which are as listed under
BiDi.Application above.
This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.
If the BrokerType property is ICS, the property value is read-only.
The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).
The BiDi.Metadata property defines the bidirectional format or attributes for the
metadata, which is used by the connector to establish and maintain a link to the
external application. The attribute settings are specific to each adapter using the
bidirectional capabilities. If your adapter supports bidirectional processing, refer to
section on adapter-specific properties for more information.
This property is valid only if the BiDi.Transformation property value is set to true.
The default value is ILYNN (implicit, left-to-right, on, off, nominal).
92 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
The BiDi.Transformation property defines whether the system performs a
bidirectional transformation at run time.
If the property value is set to true, the BiDi.Application, BiDi.Broker, and
BiDi.Metadata properties are available. If the property value is set to false, they
are hidden.
The default value is false.
The BrokerType property identifies the integration broker type that you are using.
The possible values are ICS, WMQI (for WMQI, WMQIB or WBIMB), or WAS.
The CharacterEncoding property specifies the character code set used to map from
a character (such as a letter of the alphabet, a numeric representation, or a
punctuation mark) to a numeric value.
Note: Java-based connectors do not use this property. C++ connectors use the
value ascii7 for this property.
By default, only a subset of supported character encodings is displayed. To add
other supported values to the list, you must manually modify the
\Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the product directory (<ProductDir>). For
more information, see the Connector Configurator appendix in this guide.
The Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) is a simple event management function
handling generated events. The CommonEventInfrastructure property specifies
whether the CEI should be invoked at run time.
The default value is false.
The CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL is used to gain access to the WAS
server that executes the Common Event Infrastructure (CEI) server application.
This property specifies the URL to be used.
This property is valid only if the value of CommonEventInfrastructure is set to
The default value is a blank field.
The ConcurrentEventTriggeredFlows property determines how many business
objects can be concurrently processed by the connector for event delivery. You set
the value of this attribute to the number of business objects that are mapped and
delivered concurrently. For example, if you set the value of this property to 5, five
business objects are processed concurrently.
Setting this property to a value greater than 1 allows a connector for a source
application to map multiple event business objects at the same time and deliver
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 93
them to multiple collaboration instances simultaneously. This speeds delivery of
business objects to the integration broker, particularly if the business objects use
complex maps. Increasing the arrival rate of business objects to collaborations can
improve overall performance in the system.
To implement concurrent processing for an entire flow (from a source application
to a destination application), the following properties must configured:
v The collaboration must be configured to use multiple threads by setting its
Maximum number of concurrent events property high enough to use multiple
v The destination application’s application-specific component must be configured
to process requests concurrently. That is, it must be multithreaded, or it must be
able to use connector agent parallelism and be configured for multiple processes.
The Parallel Process Degree configuration property must be set to a value larger
than 1.
The ConcurrentEventTriggeredFlows property has no effect on connector polling,
which is single-threaded and is performed serially.
This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.
The default value is 1.
The ContainerManagedEvents property allows a JMS-enabled connector with a
JMS event store to provide guaranteed event delivery, in which an event is
removed from the source queue and placed on the destination queue as one JMS
When this property is set to JMS, the following properties must also be set to
enable guaranteed event delivery:
v PollQuantity = 1 to 500
v SourceQueue = /SOURCEQUEUE
You must also configure a data handler with the MimeType and DHClass (data
handler class) properties. You can also add DataHandlerConfigMOName (the
meta-object name, which is optional). To set those values, use the Data Handler
tab in Connector Configurator.
Although these properties are adapter-specific, here are some example values:
v MimeType = text\xml
v DHClass = com.crossworlds.DataHandlers.text.xml
v DataHandlerConfigMOName = MO_DataHandler_Default
The fields for these values in the Data Handler tab are displayed only if you have
set the ContainerManagedEvents property to the value JMS.
Note: When ContainerManagedEvents is set to JMS, the connector does not call its
pollForEvents() method, thereby disabling that method’s functionality.
The ContainerManagedEvents property is valid only if the value of the
DeliveryTransport property is set to JMS.
94 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
There is no default value.
The ControllerEventSequencing property enables event sequencing in the connector
This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to set to <REMOTE> (BrokerType is ICS).
The default value is true.
The ControllerStoreAndForwardMode property sets the behavior of the connector
controller after it detects that the destination application-specific component is
If this property is set to true and the destination application-specific component is
unavailable when an event reaches ICS, the connector controller blocks the request
to the application-specific component. When the application-specific component
becomes operational, the controller forwards the request to it.
However, if the destination application’s application-specific component becomes
unavailable after the connector controller forwards a service call request to it, the
connector controller fails the request.
If this property is set to false, the connector controller begins failing all service
call requests as soon as it detects that the destination application-specific
component is unavailable.
This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of the BrokerType property is ICS).
The default value is true.
The ControllerTraceLevel property sets the level of trace messages for the
connector controller.
This property is valid only if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to set to <REMOTE>.
The default value is 0.
The DeliveryQueue property defines the queue that is used by the connector to
send business objects to the integration broker.
This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is set to
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 95
The DeliveryTransport property specifies the transport mechanism for the delivery
of events. Possible values are MQ for WebSphere MQ, IDL for CORBA IIOP, or JMS
for Java Messaging Service.
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is set to <REMOTE>, the value
of the DeliveryTransport property can be MQ, IDL, or JMS, and the default is IDL.
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a local directory, the value
can be only JMS.
The connector sends service-call requests and administrative messages over
CORBA IIOP if the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is MQ or IDL.
The default value is JMS.
WebSphere MQ and IDL
Use WebSphere MQ rather than IDL for event delivery transport, unless you must
have only one product. WebSphere MQ offers the following advantages over IDL:
v Asynchronous communication:
WebSphere MQ allows the application-specific component to poll and
persistently store events even when the server is not available.
v Server side performance:
WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the server side. In optimized
mode, WebSphere MQ stores only the pointer to an event in the repository
database, while the actual event remains in the WebSphere MQ queue. This
prevents writing potentially large events to the repository database.
v Agent side performance:
WebSphere MQ provides faster performance on the application-specific
component side. Using WebSphere MQ, the connector polling thread picks up an
event, places it in the connector queue, then picks up the next event. This is
faster than IDL, which requires the connector polling thread to pick up an event,
go across the network into the server process, store the event persistently in the
repository database, then pick up the next event.
The JMS transport mechanism enables communication between the connector and
client connector framework using Java Messaging Service (JMS).
If you select JMS as the delivery transport, additional JMS properties such as
jms.MessageBrokerName, jms.FactoryClassName, jms.Password, and jms.UserName
are listed in Connector Configurator. The properties jms.MessageBrokerName and
jms.FactoryClassName are required for this transport.
There may be a memory limitation if you use the JMS transport mechanism for a
connector in the following environment:
v AIX 5.0
v WebSphere MQ
v ICS is the integration broker
In this environment, you may experience difficulty starting both the connector
controller (on the server side) and the connector (on the client side) due to memory
use within the WebSphere MQ client. If your installation uses less than 768MB of
process heap size, set the following variable and property:
v Set the LDR_CNTRL environment variable in the script.
96 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
This script is located in the \bin directory below the product directory
(<ProductDir>). Using a text editor, add the following line as the first line in the script:
export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x30000000
This line restricts heap memory usage to a maximum of 768 MB (3 segments *
256 MB). If the process memory grows larger than this limit, page swapping can
occur, which can adversely affect the performance of your system.
v Set the value of the IPCCBaseAddress property to 11 or 12. For more
information on this property, see the System Installation Guide for UNIX.
When the value of this property is true, a JMS-enabled connector can ensure that
duplicate events are not delivered to the delivery queue. To use this feature, during
connector development, the connector must have a unique event identifier set as
the business object ObjectEventId attribute in the application-specific code.
Note: When the value of this property is true, the MonitorQueue property must
be enabled to provide guaranteed event delivery.
The default value is false.
When the value of this property is true, the adapter runtime will mark the
incoming ObjectEventID as a foreign key for flow monitoring.
This property is only valid if the BrokerType property is set to ICS.
The default value is false.
If the connector experiences an error while processing a message, it moves the
message (and a status indicator and description of the problem) to the queue
specified in the FaultQueue property.
The default value is <CONNECTORNAME>/FAULTQUEUE.
The jms.FactoryClassName property specifies the class name to instantiate for a
JMS provider. This property must be set if the value of the DeliveryTransport
property is JMS.
The default is CxCommon.Messaging.jms.IBMMQSeriesFactory.
The jms.ListenerConcurrency property specifies the number of concurrent listeners
for the JMS controller. It specifies the number of threads that fetch and process
messages concurrently within a controller.
This property is valid only if the value of the jms.OptimizedTransport property is
The default value is 1.
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 97
The jms.MessageBrokerName specifies the broker name to use for the JMS
provider. You must set this connector property if you specify JMS as the delivery
transport mechanism (in the DeliveryTransport property).
When you connect to a remote message broker, this property requires the following
QueueMgrName is the name of the queue manager.
Channel is the channel used by the client.
HostName is the name of the machine where the queue manager is to reside.
PortNumberis the port number used by the queue manager for listening
For example:
jms.MessageBrokerName = WBIMB.Queue.Manager:CHANNEL1:RemoteMachine:1456
The default value is crossworlds.queue.manager. Use the default when connecting
to a local message broker.
The jms.NumConcurrentRequests property specifies the maximum number of
concurrent service call requests that can be sent to a connector at the same time.
Once that maximum is reached, new service calls are blocked and must wait for
another request to complete before proceeding.
The default value is 10.
The jms.Password property specifies the password for the JMS provider. A value
for this property is optional.
There is no default value.
The jms.TransportOptimized property determines if the WIP (work in progress) is
optimized. You must have a WebSphere MQ provider to optimize the WIP. For
optimized WIP to operate, the messaging provider must be able to:
1. Read a message without taking it off the queue
2. Delete a message with a specific ID without transferring the entire message to
the receiver’s memory space
3. Read a message by using a specific ID (needed for recovery purposes)
4. Track the point at which events that have not been read appear.
The JMS APIs cannot be used for optimized WIP because they do not meet
conditions 2 and 4 above, but the MQ Java APIs meet all four conditions, and
hence are required for optimized WIP.
This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS and the value of
BrokerType is ICS.
The default value is false.
98 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
the jms.UserName property specifies the user name for the JMS provider. A value
for this property is optional.
There is no default value.
The JvmMaxHeapSize property specifies the maximum heap size for the agent (in
This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.
The default value is 128m.
The JvmMaxNativeStackSize property specifies the maximum native stack size for
the agent (in kilobytes).
This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.
The default value is 128k.
The JvmMinHeapSize property specifies the minimum heap size for the agent (in
This property is valid only if the value for the RepositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE>.
The default value is 1m.
The ListenerConcurrency property supports multithreading in WebSphere MQ
Listener when ICS is the integration broker. It enables batch writing of multiple
events to the database, thereby improving system performance.
This property valid only with connectors that use MQ transport. The value of the
DeliveryTransport property must be MQ.
The default value is 1.
The Locale property specifies the language code, country or territory, and,
optionally, the associated character code set. The value of this property determines
cultural conventions such as collation and sort order of data, date and time
formats, and the symbols used in monetary specifications.
A locale name has the following format:
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 99
ll is a two-character language code (in lowercase letters)
TT is a two-letter country or territory code (in uppercase letters)
codeset is the name of the associated character code set (may be optional).
By default, only a subset of supported locales are listed. To add other supported
values to the list, you modify the \Data\Std\stdConnProps.xml file in the
<ProductDir>\bin directory. For more information, refer to the Connector
Configurator appendix in this guide.
If the connector has not been internationalized, the only valid value for this
property is en_US. To determine whether a specific connector has been globalized,
refer to the user guide for that adapter.
The default value is en_US.
The LogAtInterchangeEnd property specifies whether to log errors to the log
destination of the integration broker.
Logging to the log destination also turns on e-mail notification, which generates
e-mail messages for the recipient specified as the value of MESSAGE_RECIPIENT
in the InterchangeSystem.cfg file when errors or fatal errors occur. For example,
when a connector loses its connection to the application, if the value of
LogAtInterChangeEnd is true, an e-mail message is sent to the specified message
This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).
The default value is false.
The MaxEventCapacity property specifies maximum number of events in the
controller buffer. This property is used by the flow control feature.
This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).
The value can be a positive integer between 1 and 2147483647.
The default value is 2147483647.
The MessageFileName property specifies the name of the connector message file.
The standard location for the message file is \connectors\messages in the product
directory. Specify the message file name in an absolute path if the message file is
not located in the standard location.
If a connector message file does not exist, the connector uses
InterchangeSystem.txt as the message file. This file is located in the product
100 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Note: To determine whether a connector has its own message file, see the
individual adapter user guide.
The default value is InterchangeSystem.txt.
The MonitorQueue property specifies the logical queue that the connector uses to
monitor duplicate events.
It is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS and the value
of the DuplicateEventElimination is true.
the OADAutoRestartAgent property specifies whether the connector uses the
automatic and remote restart feature. This feature uses the WebSphere
MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon (OAD) to restart the connector after an
abnormal shutdown, or to start a remote connector from System Monitor.
This property must be set to true to enable the automatic and remote restart
feature. For information on how to configure the WebSphere MQ-triggered OAD
feature. see the Installation Guide for Windows or for UNIX.
This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).
The default value is false.
The OADMaxNumRetry property specifies the maximum number of times that the
WebSphere MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon (OAD) automatically attempts
to restart the connector after an abnormal shutdown. The OADAutoRestartAgent
property must be set to true for this property to take effect.
This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).
The default value is 1000.
The OADRetryTimeInterval property specifies the number of minutes in the
retry-time interval for the WebSphere MQ-triggered Object Activation Daemon
(OAD). If the connector agent does not restart within this retry-time interval, the
connector controller asks the OAD to restart the connector agent again. The OAD
repeats this retry process as many times as specified by the OADMaxNumRetry
property. The OADAutoRestartAgent property must be set to true for this
property to take effect.
This property is valid only if the value of the RespositoryDirectory property is set
to <REMOTE> (the value of BrokerType is ICS).
The default value is 10.
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 101
The PollEndTime property specifies the time to stop polling the event queue. The
format is HH:MM, where HH is 0 through 23 hours, and MM represents 0 through 59
You must provide a valid value for this property. The default value is HH:MM
without a value, and it must be changed.
If the adapter runtime detects:
v PollStartTime set and PollEndTime not set, or
v PollEndTime set and PollStartTime not set
it will poll using the value configured for the PollFrequency property.
The PollFrequency property specifies the amount of time (in milliseconds) between
the end of one polling action and the start of the next polling action. This is not
the interval between polling actions. Rather, the logic is as follows:
v Poll to obtain the number of objects specified by the value of the PollQuantity
v Process these objects. For some connectors, this may be partly done on separate
threads, which execute asynchronously to the next polling action.
v Delay for the interval specified by the PollFrequency property.
v Repeat the cycle.
The following values are valid for this property:
v The number of milliseconds between polling actions (a positive integer).
v The word no, which causes the connector not to poll. Enter the word in
v The word key, which causes the connector to poll only when you type the letter
p in the connector Command Prompt window. Enter the word in lowercase.
The default is 10000.
Important: Some connectors have restrictions on the use of this property. Where
they exist, these restrictions are documented in the chapter on
installing and configuring the adapter.
The PollQuantity property designates the number of items from the application
that the connector polls for. If the adapter has a connector-specific property for
setting the poll quantity, the value set in the connector-specific property overrides
the standard property value.
This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS,
and the ContainerManagedEvents property has a value.
An e-mail message is also considered an event. The connector actions are as
follows when it is polled for e-mail.
v When it is polled once, the connector detects the body of the message, which it
reads as an attachment. Since no data handler was specified for this mime type,
it will then ignore the message.
102 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
v The connector processes the first BO attachment. The data handler is available
for this MIME type, so it sends the business object to Visual Test Connector.
v When it is polled for the second time, the connector processes the second BO
attachment. The data handler is available for this MIME type, so it sends the
business object to Visual Test Connector.
v Once it is accepted, the third BO attachment should be transmitted.
The PollStartTime property specifies the time to start polling the event queue. The
format is HH:MM, where HH is 0 through 23 hours, and MM represents 0 through 59
You must provide a valid value for this property. The default value is HH:MM
without a value, and it must be changed.
If the adapter runtime detects:
v PollStartTime set and PollEndTime not set, or
v PollEndTime set and PollStartTime not set
it will poll using the value configured for the PollFrequency property.
The RepositoryDirectory property is the location of the repository from which the
connector reads the XML schema documents that store the metadata for business
object definitions.
If the integration broker is ICS, this value must be set to set to <REMOTE>
because the connector obtains this information from the InterChange Server
When the integration broker is a WebSphere message broker or WAS, this value is
set to <ProductDir>\repository by default. However, it may be set to any valid
directory name.
The RequestQueue property specifies the queue that is used by the integration
broker to send business objects to the connector.
This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS.
The ResponseQueue property specifies the JMS response queue, which delivers a
response message from the connector framework to the integration broker. When
the integration broker is ICS, the server sends the request and waits for a response
message in the JMS response queue.
This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS.
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 103
The RestartRetryCount property specifies the number of times the connector
attempts to restart itself. When this property is used for a connector that is
connected in parallel, it specifies the number of times the master connector
application-specific component attempts to restart the client connector
application-specific component.
The default value is 3.
The RestartRetryInterval property specifies the interval in minutes at which the
connector attempts to restart itself. When this property is used for a connector that
is linked in parallel, it specifies the interval at which the master connector
application-specific component attempts to restart the client connector
application-specific component.
Possible values for the property range from 1 through 2147483647.
The default value is 1.
The ResultsSetEnabled property enables or disables results set support when
Information Integrator is active. This property can be used only if the adapter
supports DB2 Information Integrator.
This property is valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS,
and the value of BrokerType is WMQI.
The default value is false.
The ResultsSetSize property defines the maximum number of business objects that
can be returned to Information Integrator. This property can be used only if the
adapter supports DB2 Information Integrator.
This property is valid only if the value of the ResultsSetEnabled property is true.
The default value is 0. This means that the size of the results set is unlimited.
The RHF2MessageDomain property allows you to configure the value of the field
domain name in the JMS header. When data is sent to a WebSphere message
broker over JMS transport, the adapter framework writes JMS header information,
with a domain name and a fixed value of mrm. A configurable domain name lets
you track how the WebSphere message broker processes the message data.
This is an example header:
This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is WMQI or WAS. Also, it is
valid only if the value of the DeliveryTransport property is JMS, and the value of
the WireFormat property is CwXML.
104 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Possible values are mrm and xml. The default value is mrm.
The SourceQueue property designates the JMS source queue for the connector
framework in support of guaranteed event delivery for JMS-enabled connectors
that use a JMS event store. For further information, see “ContainerManagedEvents”
This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS, and a value for
ContainerManagedEvents is specified.
The SynchronousRequestQueue property delivers request messages that require a
synchronous response from the connector framework to the broker. This queue is
necessary only if the connector uses synchronous execution. With synchronous
execution, the connector framework sends a message to the synchronous request
queue and waits for a response from the broker on the synchronous response
queue. The response message sent to the connector has a correlation ID that
matches the ID of the original message.
This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.
The SynchronousRequestTimeout property specifies the time in milliseconds that
the connector waits for a response to a synchronous request. If the response is not
received within the specified time, the connector moves the original synchronous
request message (and error message) to the fault queue.
This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.
The default value is 0.
The SynchronousResponseQueue property delivers response messages in reply to a
synchronous request from the broker to the connector framework. This queue is
necessary only if the connector uses synchronous execution.
This property is valid only if the value of DeliveryTransport is JMS.
The TivoliMonitorTransactionPerformance property specifies whether IBM Tivoli
Monitoring for Transaction Performance (ITMTP) is invoked at run time.
The default value is false.
The WireFormat property specifies the message format on the transport:
Appendix A. Standard configuration properties for connectors 105
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a local directory, the value is
v If the value of the RepositoryDirectory property is a remote directory, the value
is CwBO.
The WsifSynchronousRequestTimeout property specifies the time in milliseconds
that the connector waits for a response to a synchronous request. If the response is
not received within the specified time, the connector moves the original
synchronous request message (and an error message) to the fault queue.
This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is WAS.
The default value is 0.
The XMLNameSpaceFormat property specifies short or long namespaces in the
XML format of business object definitions.
This property is valid only if the value of BrokerType is set to WMQI or WAS.
The default value is short.
106 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Appendix B. Connector specific properties
Connector-specific configuration properties provide information needed by the
connector at runtime. Connector-specific properties also provide a way of changing
static information or logic within the connector without having to recode and
rebuild the agent.
The following table lists the connector-specific configuration properties for the
connector. See the sections that follow for explanations of the properties.
Table 16. Connector-specific configuration properties
Possible values
Default value
Password for the Siebel user
User account for the Siebel
Specifies whether the
connector archives events for
which there are no current
True or False
A set of errors returned from Any network failure or
Siebel which are checked in
the connector. These errors
are considered to be fatal,
and the connector is
connectivity failure messages.
These messages are separated by
the ’;’ delimiter.
terminated when it
encounters these errors.
Used in case the system has An integer value denoting the
been configured to handle
multiple connectors.
A string used by the Siebel
Java Data Bean to connect to enterprisename/objectmanager/
the Siebel Object manager.
A string used by the Siebel
Java Data Bean to connect to enterprisename/objectmanager/
the Siebel Object manager.
A string used by the Siebel
(for Siebel, version 7.5)
(for Siebel, version 7.7)
Java Data Bean to connect to :portno/enterprisename/
the Siebel Object manager.
Indicates the maximum
An integer determining the bean
number of beans in the data pool size.
bean pool.
The value is used to refresh An integer value indicating the
the Siebel data bean
resources when the
DataBeanRefreshInterval which
corresponds to the number of
connector is running against requests to be processed by the
Siebel 6.2.x The connector
logs off after the requests
processed are equal to this
value and logs back in.
Indicates whether the
connector before a refresh call.
adapter processes the event
or not. Can be used to
switch off subscription
services if necessary.
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Table 16. Connector-specific configuration properties (continued)
Possible values
Default value
In case of multiple
name-value pairs in the
object key, this value
determines the delimiter
between the keys. If not set,
the default is; (semi-colon).
Determines the number of
events that gets processed
with a pollForEvents call.
Indicates if Resonate has
Integer representing the number of 1
events that gets processed with a
pollForEvents call.
Boolean(Logoff from the bean is
been installed with the Siebel decided by the
server. The connector bean
pool uses Attach/Detach
calls (Siebel7) only if
DataBeanRefreshInterval) setting.
Resonate is installed. If not,
it logs off after processing a
certain number of requests.
Three letter NLS character
set code used by Siebel for
the languages supported.
Default is US English with
ENU as the NLS
With Siebel 7, the languages
supported with their language
codes is listed below: Italian (Std)
-- ITA Japanese -- JPN Korean
--KOR Norwegian -NOR (Bokmal)
Polish -- POL Portuguese -- PTB
(Brazil) Portuguese -- PTG
(Portugal) Russian - RUS Spanish
-- ESN (Modern Sort) Swedish --
SVE Turkish -- TUR English (US)
-- ENU + all the other languages
supported by NLS
Allows the adapter to run
against a specified version of
Siebel without accessing the
SchemeVersion Siebel
business object to obtain the
version. Use of the default
value is recommended.
Used for determining the
event object key format. If
not set or if set to true, the
object key value needs to be
a name-value pair with an
“=” between the name and
the value. If set to false, only
one rowId can be specified.
For create operations,
6, 7, or NONE
True or False
True or False
determines whether the
connector checks for a valid
value or a default value for
each required business object
108 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Table 16. Connector-specific configuration properties (continued)
Possible values
Default value
Retained for backward
compatibility. An integer
value that determines the
permissions of the user. The
value specified for this
property is used unless a VM
asi tag is specified at the
business object level.
An integer value. Refer to VM asi
for details.
Password for the application user account.
There is no default value.
Name of the application user account.
There is no default value.
Specifies whether the connector archives events for which there are no current
Set this property to true to cause events to be inserted into the Archive business
component after they are deleted from the Event business component.
Set this property to false to cause the connector not to perform archive processing.
If ArchiveProcessed is set to false, the connector behaves as follows:
v If the event is successfully processed, the connector deletes it from the Event
business component.
v If the connector does not subscribe to the event’s business object, the connector
leaves the event in the Event business component and changes its event status to
v If the business object encounters a problem while being processed, the connector
leaves the event in the event table with event status set to that of error.
If this property is set to false and the poll quantity is low, the connector appears to
be polling the event table, but it is simply picking up the same events repeatedly.
If this property has no value, the connector assumes the value to be true.
The default value is true.
Connectivity errors returned from Siebel. When the connector encounters these
errors, it terminates.
Appendix B. Connector specific properties 109
A unique ID for the connector. This ID is useful to retrieve events for a particular
instance of the connector.
Default value is null.
A string used by the Siebel Java Data Bean to connect to the Siebel Object Manager.
The value that you set depends on the version of Siebel that you are using. There
is no default value for this property.
An integer that indicates the maximum number of beans in the data bean pool.
An integer value that indicates the number of requests to be processed by the
connector before a call to refresh the Siebel data bean resources. Used by the
connector when it runs against Siebel 6.x.
If EventProcessingSupport is set to true, the adapter processes an event. If
EventProcessingSupport is set to false, the adapter does not process the event.
The default value is true.
When multiple name-value pairs are used in the object key column of the event
table, this character value determines the delimiter between the keys.
If it is not set, the default is ;.
Number of rows in the database table that the connector retrieves per polling
interval. Allowable values are 1 to 500.
The default is 1.
Used with Siebel 7.x. A Boolean value that indicates whether Resonate support is
installed with the Siebel server. When the connector runs against Siebel 7.x and
ResonateSupport is set to true, it uses this property in conjunction with the value
set for the DataBeanRefreshInterval property to determine logoff from the data
bean pool.
110 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
If ResonateSupport is set to true, the connector uses Attach and Detach calls to
attach and detach from an existing session after each request has been processed. If
ResonateSupport is set to false, the connector logs of after processing a certain
number of requests.
The default setting is false.
Three letter NLS character set code used by Siebel for the languages supported.
Default is US English with enu as the NLS representation.
Enables the adapter to run against specified versions of Siebel without accessing
the Siebel business object Schema Version to obtain the version. Set to 6 for Siebel
version 6, or to 7 for Siebel version 7.
The default value is NONE. When you use the default value, the adapter obtains the
Siebel version from Schema Version. Using the default value is recommended.
Used to determine the event object key format. If this is set to true, or if it is not
set, the object key value must be a name-value pair with an "=" between name and
If this is set to false, only one rowID can be specified in the object key. Multiple
keys are not supported.
The default setting is true.
If UseDefaults is set to true or is not set, the connector checks whether a valid
value or a default value is provided for each required business object attribute. If a
value is provided, the Create succeeds; otherwise, it fails.
If UseDefaults is set to false, the connector checks only whether a valid value is
provided for each required business object attribute; the Create operation fails if a
valid value is not provided.
The default value is false.
An integer that determines the access permissions of the user. If a ViewMode
application specific information tag is not specified at the business object level,
then the value specified in the connector properties will be used.
Appendix B. Connector specific properties 111
112 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Appendix C. Common Event Infrastructure
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation includes the Common Event
Infrastructure Server Application, which is required for Common Event
Infrastructure to operate. The WebSphere Application Server Foundation can be
installed on any system (it does not have to be the same machine on which the
adapter is installed.)
The WebSphere Application Server Application Client includes the libraries
required for interaction between the adapter and the Common Event Infrastructure
Server Application. You must install WebSphere Application Server Application
Client on the same system on which you install the adapter. The adapter connects
to the WebSphere Application Server (within the WebSphere Business Integration
Server Foundation) by means of a configurable URL.
Common Event Infrastructure support is available using any integration broker
supported with this release.
Required software
In addition to the software prerequisites required for the adapter, you must have
the following installed for Common Event Infrastructure to operate:
v WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.1
v WebSphere Application Server Application Client 5.0.2, 5.1, or 5.1.1.
(WebSphere Application Server Application Client 5.1.1 is provided with
WebSphere Business Integration Server Foundation 5.1.1. )
Note: Common Event Infrastructure is not supported on any HP-UX or Linux
Enabling Common Event Infrastructure
Common Event Infrastructure functionality is enabled with the standard properties
CommonEventInfrastructure and CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL, configured
with Connector Configurator. By default, Common Event Infrastructure is not
enabled. The CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL property enables you to
configure the URL of the Common Event Infrastructure server.(Refer to the
“Standard Properties” appendix of this document for more information.)
Obtaining Common Event Infrastructure adapter events
If Common Event Infrastructure is enabled, the adapter generates Common Event
Infrastructure events that map to the following adapter events:
v Starting the adapter
v Stopping the adapter
v An application response to a timeout from the adapter agent
v Any doVerbFor call issued from the adapter agent
v A gotApplEvent call from the adapter agent
For another application (the “consumer application”) to receive the Common Event
Infrastructure events generated by the adapter, the application must use the
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
Common Event Infrastructure event catalog to determine the definitions of
appropriate events and their properties. The events must be defined in the event
catalog for the consumer application to be able to consume the sending
application’s events.
The “Common Event Infrastructure event catalog definitions” appendix of this
document contains XML format metadata showing, for WebSphere Business
Information adapters, the event descriptors and properties the consumer
application should search for.
For more information
For more information about Common Event Infrastructure, refer to the Common
Event Infrastructure information in the WebSphere Business Integration Server
Foundation documentation, available at the following URL:
For sample XML metadata showing the adapter-generated event descriptors and
properties a consumer application should search for, refer to“Common Event
Common Event Infrastructure event catalog definitions
The Common Event Infrastructure event catalog contains event definitions that can
be queried by other applications. The following are event definition samples, using
XML metadata, for typical adapter events. If you are writing another application,
your application can use event catalog interfaces to query against the event
definition. For more information about event definitions and how to query them,
refer to the Common Event Infrastructure documentation that is available from the
online IBM WebSphere Server Foundation Information Center.
For WebSphere Business Integration adapters, the extended data elements that
need to be defined in the event catalog are the keys of the business object. Each
business object key requires an event definition. So for any given adapter, various
events such as start adapter, stop adapter, timeout adapter, and any doVerbFor
event (create, update, or delete, for example) must have a corresponding event
definition in the event catalog.
The following sections contain examples of the XML metadata for start adapter,
stop adapter, and event request or delivery.
XML format for “start adapter” metadata
<eventDefinition name="startADAPTER"
<property name =”creationTime" //Comment: example value would be
required="true" />
<property name="globalInstanceId" //Comment: Automatically generated
by Common Event Infrastructure
<property name="sequenceNumber"
for messages to be sent/sorted logically
//Comment: Source defined number
<property name="version"
//Comment: Version of the event
114 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
<property name="sourceComponentId"
<property name="application"
//Comment: The name#version of the
source application generating the event. Example is "SampleConnector#3.0.0"
<property name="component"
of the source component.
//Comment: This will be the name#version
<property name="componentIdType"
and meaning of the component
//Comment: specifies the format
<property name="executionEnvironment"
//Comment: Identifies the environment the application is running
in...example is "Windows 2000#5.0"
required="false" />
<property name="location"
//Comment: The value of this is the
server name...example is "WQMI"
<property name="locationType"
meaning of the location
//Comment specifies the format and
<property name="subComponent"
of the logical component
//Comment:further distinction
<property name="componentType"
//Comment: well-defined name
used to characterize all instances of this component
<property name="situation"
situation that caused the event to be reported
//Comment: Defines the type of
<property name="categoryName="
of situation for the event
//Comment: Specifies the type
<property name="situationType"
of situation and disposition of the event
//Comment: Specifies the type
<property name="reasoningScope" //Comment: Specifies the scope
of the impact of the event
<property name="successDisposition" //Comment: Specifies the
success of event
permittedValue="UNSUCCESSFUL" />
<property name="situationQualifier" //Comment: Specifies the
situation qualifiers for this event
Appendix C. Common Event Infrastructure 115
permittedValue="START_COMPLETED" />
XML format for ″stop adapter″ metadata
The metadata for “stop adapter” is the same as that for “start adapter” with the
following exceptions:
v The default value for the categoryName property is StopSituation:
<property name="categoryName="
//Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
v The permitted values for the situationQualifier property differ and are as
follows for “stop adapter”:
<property name="situationQualifier"
//Comment: Specifies the situation qualifiers for this event
XML format for “timeout adapter” metadata
The metadata for “timeout adapter” is the same as that for “start adapter” and
“stop adapter” with the following exceptions:
v The default value for the categoryName property is ConnectSituation:
<property name="categoryName="
//Comment: Specifies the type
of situation for the event
v The permitted values for the situationQualifier property differ and are as
follows for “timeout adapter”:
<property name="situationQualifier" //Comment: Specifies
the situation qualifiers for this event
116 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
XML format for ″request″ or ″delivery″ metadata
At the end of this XML format are the extended data elements. The extended data
elements for adapter request and delivery events represent data from the business
object being processed. This data includes the name of the business object, the key
(foreign or local) for the business object, and business objects that are children of
parent business objects. The children business objects are then broken down into
the same data as the parent (name, key, and any children business objects). This
data is represented in an extended data element of the event definition. This data
will change depending on which business object, which keys, and which child
business objects are being processed. The extended data in this event definition is
just an example and represents a business object named Employee with a key
EmployeeId and a child business object EmployeeAddress with a key EmployeeId.
This pattern could continue for as much data as exists for the particular business
<eventDefinition name="createEmployee"
//Comment: This
extension name is always the business object verb followed by the business
object name
<property name ="creationTime" //Comment: example value would be
required="true" />
<property name="globalInstanceId" //Comment: Automatically generated
by Common Event Infrastructure
<property name="localInstanceId"
//Comment: Value is business
object verb+business object name+#+app name+ business object identifier
<property name="sequenceNumber"
for messages to be sent/sorted logically
//Comment: Source defined number
<property name="version" //Comment: Version of the event...value is
set to 1.0.1
<property name="sourceComponentId"
<property name="application"
//Comment: The name#version of the
source application generating the event...example is
<property name="component"
of the source component.
//Comment: This will be the name#version
<property name="componentIdType"
//Comment: specifies the format
and meaning of the component
<property name="executionEnvironment" //Comment: Identifies the
environment#version the app is running in...example is "Windows 2000#5.0"
required="false" />
<property name="instanceId" //Comment: Value is business object
verb+business object name+#+app name+ business object identifier
<property name="location"
//Comment: The value of this is the
server name...example is "WQMI"
Appendix C. Common Event Infrastructure 117
<property name="locationType" //Comment specifies the format and
meaning of the location
<property name="subComponent" //Comment:further distinction of the
logical component-in this case the value is the name of the business
<property name="componentType"
//Comment: well-defined name used
to characterize all instances of this component
<property name="situation" //Comment: Defines the type of
situation that caused the event to be reported
<property name="categoryName"
of situation for the event
//Comment: Specifies the type
permittedValue="OtherSituation" />
<property name="situationType"
of situation and disposition of the event
//Comment: Specifies the type
<property name="reasoningScope" //Comment: Specifies the scope
of the impact of the event
<property name="successDisposition" //Comment: Specifies the
success of event
permittedValue="UNSUCCESSFUL" />
<extendedDataElements name="Employee" //Comment: name of business
object itself
<children name="EmployeeId"
type="string"/> //Comment: type is one of the
permitted values within Common Event Infrastructure documentation
<children name="EmployeeAddress"
<children name="EmployeeId"
118 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
Appendix D. Application Response Management
This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.
Application Response Measurement instrumentation support
This adapter is compatible with the Application Response Measurement
application programming interface (API), an API that allows applications to be
managed for availability, service level agreements, and capacity planning. An
ARM-instrumented application can participate in IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance, allowing collection and review of data concerning
transaction metrics.
Required software
In addition to the software prerequisites required for the adapter, you must have
the following installed for ARM to operate:
v WebSphere Application Server 5.0.1 (contains the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance server). This does not have to be installed on the same
system as the adapter.
v IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance v. 5.2 Fixpack 1. This must
be installed on the same system on which the adapter is installed and
configured to point to the system on which the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for
Transaction Performance server resides.
Application Response Measurement support is available using any integration
broker supported with this release.
Note: Application Response Measurement instrumentation is supported on all
operating systems supported with this IBM WebSphere Business Integration
Adapters release except HP-UX (any version) and Red Hat Linux 3.0.
Enabling Application Response Measurement
ARM instrumentation is enabled via by setting the standard property
TivoliMonitorTransactionPerformance in Connector Configurator to “True.” By
default ARM support is not enabled. (Refer to the ″Standard Properties″ appendix
of this document for more information.)
Transaction monitoring
When ARM is enabled, the transactions that are monitored are service events and
event deliveries. The transaction is measured from the start of a service request or
event delivery to the end of the service request or event delivery. The name of the
transaction displayed on the Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance console
will start with either SERVICE REQUEST or EVENT DELIVERY. The next part of the
name will be the business object verb (such as CREATE, RETRIEVE, UPDATE or DELETE).
The final part of the name will be the business object name such as “EMPLOYEE.”
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
For example, the name of a transaction for an event delivery for creation of an
employee might be EVENT DELIVERY CREATE EMPLOYEE. Another might be SERVICE
The following metrics are collected by default for each type of service request or
event delivery:
v Minimum transaction time
v Maximum transaction time
v Average transaction time
v Total transaction runs
You (or the system administrator of the WebSphere Application Server) can select
which of these metrics to display, for which adapter events, by configuring
Discovery Policies and Listener Policies for particular transactions from within the
Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance console. (Refer to “For more
For more information
Refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction Performance documentation for
more information. In particular, refer to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Transaction
Performance User’s Guide for information about monitoring and managing the
metrics generated by the adapter.
120 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
122 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
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IBM Burlingame Laboratory Director
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577 Airport Blvd., Suite 800
© Copyright IBM Corp. 1997, 2004
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Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions,
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Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled
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should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.
Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of
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Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the
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This information may contain examples of data and reports used in daily business
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All statements regarding IBM’s future direction or intent are subject to change or
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This information may contain sample application programs in source language,
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may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without
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have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot
guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.
Programming interface information
Programming interface information, if provided, is intended to help you create
application software using this program.
General-use programming interfaces allow you to write application software that
obtain the services of this program’s tools.
124 Adapter for Siebel eBusiness Applications User Guide
However, this information may also contain diagnosis, modification, and tuning
information. Diagnosis, modification and tuning information is provided to help
you debug your application software.
Warning: Do not use this diagnosis, modification, and tuning information as a
programming interface because it is subject to change.
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Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or
Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of
WebSphere Business Integration Adapter Framework V2.6.0
Notices 125
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